Pterodactyl Sightings and Evolution

By Jonathan Whitcomb

My associates and I, over the past two decades or so, have been criticized in various ways, one of them in a strawman argument something like this: “They try to disprove evolution by trying to convince people that pterodactyls are alive.” The main problem with that criticism is that it’s not usually quoting any of us but declaring what our intentions are, and critics oversimply reality.

Evolution and Neo-Darwinism

First, I recommend my Youtube video “Pterodactyl Sightings and Evolution – Part 2″ on my channel Protect Animal Life. There I explain a bit about the fallacy of lumping various concepts of biological evolution together and assuming it all means the same thing. Let’s get into that a bit deeper.

The word “star has various meanings and we rarely have any problem with that. But what about the word “evolution”? That’s a different matter.

In my Youtube video dated September 9, 2021, I mentioned how shooting stars are not literal stars; no problem. Yet we in Western societies are often bombarded with the word “evolution” when it refers to different things. The video presents four types of biological evolution:

  1. Loss of a useful organ
  2. Tiny change that helps in survival
  3. Major change in outward appearance
  4. Upward Evolution

An important point in the above is this: Nothing in the first three concepts gives any credibility to the fourth concept. In addition, the first three have been observed and relatively few persons dispute the details in those three concepts, but the fourth has major problems and is based upon many persons who imagine what has happened in the distant past.

Danger to Children

The reality of modern pterosaurs like the ropen—that is not just a subject for theoretical debates about evolution in the distant past but is extremely important to some cases of missing children, including possible attacks against persons in North America.

One lady has reported that she was attacked, when a preschooler, by a huge flying creature in western Oklahoma. The animal, which was covered in hair, flew down towards the girl but she ducked down to the ground and escaped, soon getting into the safety of her house. The child saw that the creature was very strange, for it had teeth in its beak. She knew that birds do not have teeth.

How can we protect children and adults from that kind of attack? We must learn the truth about these flying creatures and help others to know about the reality of ropens and similar apparent modern pterosaurs. Although it seems that only a tiny minority of modern “pterodactyls” every attack any human, that limited number of animals can be dangerous, at least on occasion.



The Ropen and Evolution

A common criticism thrown at me and my associates relates to the age of the earth and evolution. Our critics will sometimes ridicule the idea that non-extinct pterosaurs “disprove” evolution or prove that the world is 6,000 years old. What they fail to mention, however, is that they construct a sentence or two, in their own words, as if it were our words or our precise purposes.


Missing Children

I suggest that to understand the potential danger that a few of these flying creatures may pose to children, we need to know something about modern “pterodactyls”, including the long-tailed ropen.


Living Pterosaurs

This is a well-established blog on non-extinct “pterodactyls” in our modern world, flying creatures sometimes called “dinosaur birds” or “dragons”.


The Quest for Discovering Modern Pterosaurs

The nonfiction book by Jonathan David Whitcomb: Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition)


Living Pterosaurs or Dragons

This may be the oldest living-pterosaur site on the internet


Modern-Pterodactyl News (2021)

The main news for now relates to the formation of a nonprofit organization that will specialize in research into reports of non-extinct modern pterosaurs, including the long-tailed featherless ropen [Animal Discovery].


The Ropen and Evolution

A common criticism thrown at me and my associates relates to the age of the earth and evolution. Our critics will sometimes ridicule the idea that non-extinct pterosaurs “disprove” evolution or prove that the world is 6,000 years old. What they fail to mention, however, is that they construct a sentence or two, in their own words, as if it were our words or our precise purposes. Here’s one example:

“. . . they [including Whitcomb and Woetzel] believed that the ropen . . . will prove that the world is actually 6,000 years old” [Dean Traylor article “Ropen Hoax”]

The above is actually a straw man argument, which is an informal fallacy. It can make your opponent look silly, even though the one putting forth the straw man argument has constructed something as if it were from the opponent. David Woetzel and I [Jonathan Whitcomb] have each written a scientific paper (separate ones) in a peer-reviewed journal of science, yet the critic did not quote anything from our articles but instead constructed an overly simplistic explanation of our intentions. Beware of the critic who ridicules someone else’s intentions.

What is Evolution?

How many persons have used the word evolution as if it referred to one concise meaning! David Berlinski once said the following:

One of my prevailing doctrines about Darwinian theory is ‘Man, that thing is just a mess. It’s like looking into a room full of smoke.’ Nothing in the theory is precisely, clearly, carefully defined or delineated.

In reality, the word evolution has no single precise meaning. One concept relates to a popular origin philosophy: extreme naturalism. The natural-selection idea of Charles Darwin includes the assumption that it caused small simple organisms to evolve into large complex ones. This concept has many huge problems that have never been solved by evolutionists. I myself have proven, through my Evolutionary Boundary simulations, that natural selection actually prevents the changes Darwin assumed took place. In other words, my own experiment demonstrated that survival of the fittest does the opposite of what Darwin imagined: It makes molecules-to-man evolution impossible.

Part of my Purpose

I have written well over a thousand blog posts over the past twelve years, articles about sightings of ropens or apparent long-tailed pterosaurs or closely related subjects connected to apparent modern pterosaurs. I have also written eight editions of three nonfiction books about those flying creatures. Yet my purpose has not been to lead people away from science into imaginative visions about cryptozoology but to lead people to think for themselves and to think more clearly.

The official scientific discovery of a species of modern pterosaur, acknowledged in Western science—that can help many persons to wake up and ask why we have been indoctrinated so deeply into an idea that is false. That is part of the awakening that is part of my purpose, whatever people want to think about the age of the earth.


Whitcomb is interviewed for television and opposes shooting a pterosaur

Living-pterosaur expert Jonathan Whitcomb (left) interviewed, in Long Beach, California, for a Canadian television show (May of 2012)




Ropens in the Southwest Pacific

Ancient extinctions of all pterosaurs and dinosaurs, an  idea repeated constantly in the media and in education,  supports the philosophy of Strict Naturalism.

Why the Ropen is a Modern Pterosaur

Two television adventure shows (semi-documentary) were broadcast by two different production teams, yet that was not enough to prevent the skeptics from eliminating that [ropen] page on Wikipedia.

The Ropen of Papua New Guinea

As of early 2015, the ropen remains within the realm of cryptozoology rather than official biology, for it is not yet acknowledged to be a living species according to Western biologists.

Evolution and Living Pterosaurs

Believe what you will about Darwin’s contributions to science, but most of my associates and I have rejected the unlimited-common-ancestry philosophy of Darwin . . .

Whitcomb Searches for Ropen on Umboi Island

But the second excursion brought us [to] eyewitnesses of the ropen, including . . . Gideon Koro. He and six other boys had been terrorized by the huge ropen years earlier.

The Ropen as a Modern Rhamphorhynchoid

Standard models of evolution assert that all species of dinosaurs and pterosaurs became extinct long ago and that their fossils are evidence for unlimited common ancestry [scientific paper by Whitcomb]

Ropens of the World

. . . we have two authors whose books either imply or describe apparent modern pterosaurs (AKA “pterodactyls”) in British Columbia [“pterodactyl” attacks on humans]


Evolution and Living Pterosaurs

I do not insist that others accept my opinions about various concepts of biological evolution, before we can communicate about modern pterosaurs. In the most recent edition of my first book (Searching for Ropens and Finding God, published in April of 2014), I hope I made it clear in the Introduction:

Is this a tool for promoting Biblical Creation and ridiculing evolution? Clear thinking we need, without fear, allowing us to discover both truth and error in whatever camp we find ourselves, entrenched or visiting, at the moment.

Maybe that does need clarification. The book does not dig deeply into the conflict between literal interpretations of Genesis and strict naturalism philosophy; in fact it says little about evolution. I emphasized our need to think clearly regarding labels, for the book mainly deals with eyewitness evidence for living pterosaurs, with little room for any deep exploration of biological evolution.

Believe what you will about Darwin’s contributions to science, but most of my associates and I have rejected the unlimited-common-ancestry philosophy of Darwin, making it clear that we differentiate between observed biological changes and the “molecules-to-man” assumptions commonly portrayed in much of American media as if “fact.” For several years I have written little on this subject, while some of my associates have emphasized it. It now deserves attention here. My own experience with “An Evolutionary Boundary” has made it clear why natural selection actually prevents small simple organisms from evolving into large complex organisms. It was a mathematical simulation I conducted many years ago, before I became involved in ropen (long-tailed pterosaur) searches. Here is a brief summary:

An Evolutionary Boundary (EB)

Only three basic types of change have any relevance to the macro-evolution imagined by Charles Darwin, although he was probably ignorant of that:

  1. Improved immediate survivability
  2. Progress in development of a new structure
  3. Combination of #1 and #2

A key concept in my EB mathematical simulation is that a clear understanding of the possibility (or impossibility) of molecules-to-man evolution can come from the careful use of math and the detailed examination of what must occur for macro-evolution to take place. Indeed, such a course is far more likely to reveal the truth about life origins than a vague imagining of countless changes in vast periods of time before humans existed on this planet. Vague speculation accomplishes little, if anything, in real science. In my book Searching for Ropens and Finding God, I quoted a well-known scientist:

Lord Kelvin also said that “when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.” Let’s now fly with numbers.

Getting back to the three basic changes, #3 is far less likely to occur than either #1 or #2. Why? It’s like buying two lottery tickets: one for a lottery in California and the other in New Jersey. How unlikely it is to win both lotteries with those two tickets! For an organism to undergo both a change which makes it survive better in the present and a change which makes it more likely to develop what will become a useful biological structure in a future generation—that is the least likely thing to happen, of those three basic types of changes. How critical is #3, for Darwin’s concept of evolution from simple to complex! Yet that is the least likely to occur. So what does that mean? Over a period of time, organisms of a particular type develop sub-populations of various degrees of immediate survivability (IS). Sub-populations with higher IS increase in numbers, compared with the sub-populations having lower IS, by definition. The result? Those with both a better chance for a new structure (#2) and higher IS, in other words #3—those sub-populations must be fewer in number than organisms having only a higher IS. In other words, organisms that survive better but have NO potential for changing into a more complex organism—they out-compete the ones that might otherwise have produced more descendants that would be more complex. Please stay with this for a little longer, for it really does relate to pterosaurs. Three knights illustrate the three critical factors in the Evolutionary Boundary The above images illustrate the three critical types of change. In the basic simple case, each type is identical except that each has undergone some kind of mutation. The knight on the left can survive better than average because of his sword. The one in the middle has money that can, some day in the distant future, allow his posterity to finish building a castle and live there instead of in the little shack in which they now live. The knight on the right has a combination of the other two. The first two knights were very fortunate to have been given something of great value. The third had the very rare luck to received two great gifts at about the same time. A key concept is this: In a kingdom of countless trillions of knights, #3 is far less common than either #1 or #2. Since the money (that can only be used in a long-term payment to construct a castle) has no short term benefit to survivability, it adds nothing to the daily survival of that knight. In fact, a “baggage” principle plays a part in the Evolutionary Boundary, for it takes a little bit of energy and attention to carry the money around. But even without the baggage principle, #1 knights will multiply faster than #3 knights, by definitions and by common concepts in natural selection. This is because #1 sub-populations immediately begin outnumbering the #3 ones, and this disparity becomes greater in future generations. What about #2 sub-populations? The problem is similar: They compete poorly with #1.

Survival of the fittest

Natural selection, applied to this, eventually results in extreme dominance of the #1 types in the overall population. Many near-extinction events may threaten accumulated #2 and #3 types with extinction. Because of high numbers of organisms of #1 types, they are the ones that survive the threats: They can avoid extinction much better. It may not seem obvious in the first generation, but each reproductive cycle increases the disparity: crude representation of the disparity between types #1, #2, and #3 in the Evolutionary Boundary simulation by Jonathan Whitcomb Why is #3 (on the right) shown to have so few descendants, compared with the other two? It is actually representing sub-populations, not an individual organism, in the three larger knights at the top of this image, and #3 has only a small fraction of parents, compared with the others. In other words, the large knight on the upper right represents a small population, compared with the other two large knights; the smaller images of the first-generation descendants represent crude approximations of actual number of descendants.

What About the Real World?

Does this mathematical simulation relate to real-world biology? Survival of the fittest (natural selection) and macro-evolutionary potential (or lack thereof) can be seen in more than just this simulation. Why should simple little organisms ever evolve into large complex organisms? Take a theoretical case: This planet is hit with a disaster so overwhelming that all human life is destroyed. What might be left? Smaller simpler organisms. Why? Small simple life survives better than large complex life. In other words, Darwin was completely wrong about small simple life gradually evolving into large complex life.

Take another case: As planetary travelers, we find a planet that appears capable of supporting life, but none lives there. We sprinkle the planet with countless trillions of microscopic organisms, then return after many millions of years of absence. What do we find? Not a sign of life. The non-living substances survive better than any life, so that’s what is left after all those millions of years of neglect: sand, rocks, water.

So how do living organisms survive on planet earth? They were put here, and preserved, by God, with all the care necessary for their continuation. I know that does not sound scientific, but it explains how such indescribable diversity of life exists on the earth.

What About Pterosaurs?

At about the time of Darwin, many scientists probably believed dinosaurs and pterosaurs were primitive creatures that became extinct long ago because they did not have the survival qualities needed to continue into the present. We now agree that great destructive forces caused many living things to die long ago, although a variety or origin philosophies and belief systems cause divergent opinions about when and why destruction occurred.

Let’s look a little at pterosaurs. What would we expect if all pterosaurs were put here by God, just a few thousand years ago? The Flood of Noah could have destroyed particular types, but the two basic general types could have been preserved when Noah’s family was saved with all the life that they had on the Ark.

What would we expect if all of the countless forms of pterosaurs lived on this earth many millions of years ago? Look at textbooks of Western biology and paleontology: Universal extinction of all their species is taken for granted. If one species survived in a remote little-explored tropical wilderness, that would be expected to be of only one type, most likely Pterodactyloid. What paleontologist would dream that both Rhamphorhynchoid and Pterodactyloid pterosaurs still live on most continents in the twenty-first century? So what kind of eyewitness reports do we have from around the world? Strange to tell, but both Pterodactyloid and Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs appear to live in various areas, although evidence points to many (if not all) of them being nocturnal. How different from what most Western paleontologists would guess could be possible!



Pterosaur Sighting in Grantsville, Utah

. . . Suddenly as I looked up at the night sky, the farm animals started up again and then I saw it. The ropen. . . . I was awestruck. I began to wonder what type of animal this was. But within minutes higher up in the sky I saw it again and appeared soaring above us and then vanished again.


Evolution, Religion, and Extinction of Pterosaurs

Some skeptics of living-pterosaur investigations (including searches for the ropen), well quite a few of the skeptics, have dismissed our work because they assume that our religious bias makes us incapable of objective scientific investigation. But those skeptics may have their own bias . . .


Ropen – a Modern Pterosaur

The third edition of the nonfiction book  “Live Pterosaurs in America” proves this is  not a mystery confined to remote tropical  rain forests in Papua New Guinea. Ropens  continue to shock eyewitnesses around the  world, including many common persons in  the United States of America.




Ropen book, non-fiction, by Whitcomb


Third edition: Searching for Ropens and Finding God (nonfiction)

From the Introduction:

Expect references to the Biblical fiery flying serpent and the Flood of Noah. I added “finding God” to the title of the third edition to avoid offending someone wanting only cryptozoology, a reader who would be offended to find a little religion, however limited; it’s continued in this fourth edition: finding God.


Galileo and Live Pterosaurs

I recently noticed a comment, on this blog, submitted for a post unrelated to that comment. I quote it here because I believe origin philosophies now deserve a brief post. I leave out the commenter’s name because I see some serious problems that I need to address, and the words of that comment are similar to other criticisms I have encountered over the past nine years. Galileo may seem unrelated but the similarity in reasoning is critical.

“If the ropen are real (I’m not convinced, but it would be cool if it was) it wouldn’t disprove evolution anymore than it would prove intelligent design.”

On this blog, I searched for “evolution” and found six relevant posts and pages, out of 171 total posts and 8 total pages. Live Pterosaur (this blog) deals with many concepts about extant pterosaurs and specifics about particular sightings; but only rarely does a post or page deal with evolution, Biblical Creation, or Intelligent Design. This brief post will be another of those exceptions, but it will still be limited in scope.

Four Moons of Jupiter

Early in the 1600’s, Galileo discovered the four largest moons of the planet Jupiter and proclaimed the discovery to all who would listen. Wikipedia now proclaims, “the incontrovertible discovery of celestial bodies orbiting something other than the Earth dealt a serious blow to the then-accepted Ptolemaic world system . . .” We now take a closer look.

Did Galileo’s discovery prove that the earth revolves around the sun? Did it disprove the old earth-centered philosophy? No, on both points. It did, however, cause more people to reassess old assumptions, dramatically preparing the way for a better concept, the Copernican Revolution. We now know that the earth is not the center of the universe, but the sun-centered solar system was not proved by the observations of the four largest moons of Jupiter.

sketch of the scientist Galileo

The scientist Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642

The General Theory of Evolution

I do not use the simplistic word “evolution,” for it is vague, with numerous meanings. When referring to Darwin’s origin philosophy, I use the phrase “general theory of evolution,” defined by the evolutionist Gerald A. Kerkut as “the theory that all the living forms in the world have arisen from a single source which itself came from an inorganic form.”

That concept of evolution has been disproved by the Evolutionary Boundary simulations, but let’s get back to the original question, implied by the one who made the comment about living pterosaurs:

Would the discovery of a living pterosaur disprove the General Theory of Evolution? It would have a similar effect to the discovery of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter: It would invite rethinking old assumptions.

I view the following statement to be simplistic and practically useless: “The discovery of an extant pterosaur would not disprove evolution.” How much better to think and reason in specifics and how much better to appreciate the value of important discoveries!

Objectiveness in the Investigations

Galileo snatched hold of a tidal hypothesis that he hoped would be evidence for the Copernican model (sun-centered solar system); it was wrong. More recently, one living-pterosaur investigator tried to shore up the story of what I call the “Tunnel Pterodactyl.” It now seems obvious that signs of a hoax outweigh anything that may be said in favor of that story. But tunnel vision can be seen in the investigations and research of scientists and cryptozoologists of all fields and philosophies. Galileo’s mistake about tides does not mean that the sun revolves around the earth.

From the book Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition):

National newspapers ignored the success of the Wright brothers (their December, 1903, successful powered flight . . .). News reporters and editors, many of them, assumed that the controlled powered-flight of two bicycle mechanics was a lie, that it never happened. Even as late as 1908, many newspaper professionals thought the Wright brothers “better liars than flyers.” . . . But lack of news reporting and abundance of lie-insinuations can relate to both flying machines and flying pterosaurs, even those called “dragons.”

But flying dragons! In modern California? Without news headlines? It’s easier to believe in flying bicycle mechanics.