Modern-Pterosaur News – July of 2021


By Jonathan Whitcomb

The main news for now relates to the formation of a nonprofit organization that will specialize in research into reports of non-extinct modern pterosaurs, including the long-tailed featherless ropen, and to Youtube videos on the channel “Protect Animal Life”.

A new Nonprofit, “Animal Discovery”, for Research, Publicity,  and Supporting Living-Pterosaur Expeditions

Animal Discovery has now been registered as a nonprofit organization in the state of Utah. By the end of July, 2021, it had four volunteer representatives in the United States (northern California, Utah, Kentucky, and Arkansas).

While the paperwork is being done to make it tax exempt in the USA, you can make a donation, although during that process there is no guarantee that your donation will be deductible for tax purposes.

Nonprofit organization certificate for "Animal Discovery" in Utah

State of Utah – Certificate of registration for Animal Discovery


Living-Pterosaur Videos on Youtube

As of July 31, 2021, the channel “Protect Animal Life” had 172 videos, almost all of them about eyewitness sightings of apparent modern pterodactyls and about research into such encounters with non-bat featherless flying creatures.

1) “Huge Pterodactyl – Bird with no Feathers”
(length = 1:56)
Sightings of large modern pterosaurs
Around the world ordinary persons have seen extraordinary flying creatures: apparent pterodactyls or pterosaurs. These “birds with no feathers” are here featured in sightings in North America and in Papua New Guinea.

2) “Ropens Have Long Tails – Pterodactyl Sightings”
From the description section:
What is a long-tailed pterodactyl that forgot to become extinct? It’s a ropen, a flying creature seen in many areas of the planet, although it’s nocturnal behavior and rarity or near-rarity have postponed its becoming classified in Western science.

3) “Flying Dinosaurs in Kansas – Pterodactyl Sightings”
Sightings of modern pterosaurs in Kansas
Description (under the video):
According to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, many persons have seen an apparent living pterosaur in Kansas, yet only a small minority of those eyewitnesses have contacted him.

4) “Modern Dragon – Pterodactyls Almost Everywhere”
Description section:
The long-tailed nocturnal ropen is found worldwide, and some eyewitnesses call it a dragon. In this video of the PAL channel (Protect Animal Life) get the testimony of the World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson and two natives in Papua New Guinea.



Animal Discovery representatives

  • Candace Worman (Kentucky)
  • Gladys Whitcomb (Spanish language, worldwide)
  • Jonathan Archer (northern California)
  • Laura Dean (Arkansas)


Ropen Seen in Texas, by a Truck Driver

As I’m driving it is already early daylight and from the left side of the road about 30-50 feet high I see this not large but ENORMOUS creature glide, not fly, from the tall trees from the left side of the road to tall trees directly on the right side. . . .


Youtube Videos on Living Pterosaurs

As we approach the 15-year anniversary of my ropen expedition on Umboi Island, I’ll share my views on some Youtube videos and playlists: about these amazing flying creatures. You choose which ones to watch.


Cryptozoologie et le Ropen

Un animal qui semble être un ptérosaure moderne


Videos on Pterosaur Sightings

The following are from comments made under a number of videos on the *PAL channel of Youtube (*Protect Animal Life). Each heading below is the title of the video.
