Hope in the Face of COVID-19 Death


By the cryptozoology author Jonathan David Whitcomb

This is not about any new treatment for COVID-19 patients, although I have been fervently praying for a medical breakthrough in that scientific area. During the past 17 years, I have been working in a narrow branch of cryptozoology, and for most of those years I have been able to provide comfort to many of the persons whom I have interviewed.

Strange to tell, I interview people who have encountered what some call “flying dinosaurs”. I’ve written several nonfiction books, mainly on what those eyewitnesses have reportedly observed, with sightings worldwide.

Have you ever before seen this sketch?

Gitmo Pterosaur of Guantanamo Bay Cuba, sighting in 1965

Pterosaur drawn by the late Patty Carson, from her memory

Some people could think this came from a nightmare; my interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses of strange flying creatures puts this in a different light. Part of my mission has been to comfort healthy persons who have been troubled with doubts about personal sanity.

Set aside all debates about the extinction or non-extinction of all species of pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls”. For now, consider only the subject of the sanity (or lack thereof) of the majority of eyewitnesses of large featherless flying creatures that clearly are unlike any kind of bat. I declare that the vast majority of the eyewitnesses are of sound mind.

Take eyewitnesses in Utah, for example.

“Pterodactyl” Sightings in Utah

Aside from the American state of Hawaii, Utah is the number one state, per capita, for sighting reports of apparent living pterosaurs, according to the latest analysis of statistics.

Reports of pterosaur sightings in the USA, in relation to human population

This is based upon the most recent updating of the DERALP site (Declaration on Eyewitness Reports of Apparent Living Pterosaurs), which was on April 17, 2020, by me (Jonathan Whitcomb). That online resource also has a list of persons who support further research and publicity for these amazing flying creatures. The latest edition of this page also has a new addition in Europe: a sighting in Rome, Italy.

Notice in the above map that four *states with many sightings in relation to human population *(of the Contiguous states) are centered in the USA, not on any coast. That makes it obvious that misidentifying frigate birds is not the source of sighting reports, at least not as a general interpretation for sightings of live “pterodactyls” in North America. Why would even a small number of frigate birds migrate inland and stay, for years, far away from any oceanic coast? That makes no sense.

Set aside Hawaii for a moment, for many tourists spend time there, and they often stay outdoors and can look around at the scenery for long periods of time. Of the forty-eight Contiguous states, the one with the most sighting reports in relation to human population is Utah. Why is that? It could be that the answer is more complex than simply assuming non-extinct pterosaurs prefer to live in that part of the USA, which seems unlikely. Whatever the total answer, I’ve been fortunate to have been able to interview quite a few of the eyewitnesses in Utah.

The Point

Regardless of the temporary pain and grief because of COVID-19, we can take hope from the continuous life of these wonderful flying creatures. If they can survive, so can the human family.



Proclamation on Living Pterosaurs

I, Jonathan David Whitcomb, proclaim that not only are not all species of pterosaurs extinct but more than one species is living, and they range in extensive areas of the planet.


“Big Bird” in Draper, Utah

On June 26, 2017, my wife and I met with several eyewitnesses in a neighborhood of Draper, Utah, (in the southern part of the Salt Lake Valley) a few miles west of the Wasatch Mountains. Each of the four persons we talked with lived within about 300 yards of each other and a little south of the Swire Coca Cola complex, which is in northwestern Draper. These four wish to be anonymous, at least for now.


Pterodactyl Sightings in Utah (Youtube video)

Generations of people in Utah have reported large flying creatures, sometimes using a word like “dragon” or “pterodactyl” or “pterosaur. This is a brief introduction to eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs seen in Utah.


Pterodactyl Bird

This Youtube video includes a brief account of a sighting from aboard and U.S. Navy ship many years ago, somewhere between the southwest Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
