Video of “Pterodactyls” in Hawaii


By the living-pterosaur author Jonathan Whitcomb

I just uploaded a video to Youtube: “Do Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii?” on my new channel Protect Animal Life. Of the four sightings featured, the fourth one is the best, a part of the report from the Hawaiian Les Kouke (who has lived on the mainland of the USA in recent years).

He was just a 12-year-old boy when he encountered the gigantic gliding “pterodactyl” that he at first thought was a remote-controlled glider, even though this was back in about 1970. He soon changed his mind about it being mechanical, however, for the creature started flapping its wings.

“Do Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii?” – a new Youtube video

This is the 9th video on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life, and each short production is about these amazing featherless flying creatures.

I hope nobody misunderstands me here. I do not proclaim that all reports of a living pterosaur in Hawaii must be valid or from an actual encounter with a modern pterosaur. I do point out that some of these accounts resemble others from other areas of the world, and some of the similar details appear important.



Live pterosaurs in Missouri and Hawaii

I looked in the sky [in Hawaii] and noticed a giant flying bat-like creature. I pointed it out and said it was a pterodactyl and he doubted me and thought I was kidding. He didn’t even want to look up. It was flying around for around 30 seconds and he finally looked up and his jaw dropped . . .


Modern pterosaurs

This blog is for news-media professionals.


Looking for eyewitnesses of living pterosaurs

. . . an animal not yet openly acknowledged by most Western scientists. It seems to be a nocturnal flying creature reported by World War II veterans who fought in the Pacific.


Pterosaurs alive in the USA

Jonathan Whitcomb, of Murray, Utah, has been receiving emails since 2004, from five continents, and most of those reported sightings [of living pterosaurs], in recent years, have been in North America.


Non-extinct pterosaurs

“Since the time of Darwin, many scientists have assumed that some general types of animals became extinct long ago. One of the assumptions is that all species of dinosaurs and pterosaurs died off before any humans existed.”


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