More Evidence for the “Civil War Pterodactyl Photo”

Ptp photograph of an apparent modern pterosaur - pixel-width sizes of belt buckles and buttons were measured

By Jonathan D. Whitcomb, expert on sighting reports of apparent modern pterosaurs

Update: On November 4, 2018, I began apologizing for a mistake that I had made, for I failed to patiently wait for evidence of adequate provenance for this apparent 19th-century “photograph.” I even published a book whose content was largely related to this Ptp image. I am sorry for any and all problems that this may have caused.

I still fully support the many eyewitness testimonies, the great majority of which were of encounters in the 20th and 21st centuries. I only withdraw my support for this (Ptp) image.

I have stopped publication (print-on-demand) of my book Modern Pterosaurs because of this “problem,” or whatever people want to call it. That book was mostly about this apparently old photo. I take responsibility for my own mistakes; I blame nobody else.

I am going ahead with publication of another book, The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur, for it is about eyewitness encounters with these flying creatures (nothing about Ptp). In addition, my other books about modern living pterosaurs should not be in any way related to this error of judgment of mine, regarding Ptp. Those other nonfiction books do not mention Ptp.


[Original post on Live Pterosaur]


On January 14, 2017, Clifford Paiva (physicist) and I agreed that this photograph (now labeled “Ptp”) contains a genuine photographic image of a modern pterosaur. Criticisms by skeptics have been answered, and we found additional evidence for the veracity of this photo.

Paiva has done a detailed analysis of the image. He found that the shadow under the boot of one soldier (he’s now known as “FS” for front-soldier) is consistent with shadows under and on the animal. Paiva also found details in the head, neck, and shoulder of the animal, details that closely correlate with the anatomy of the Pteranodon. Please be aware that we do not declare that this animal must have been of some species of Pteranodon, but we point out that it appears to be at least similar to that type of pterosaur.

In recent weeks, we have found other evidence that supports the theory that this photograph is what it appears to be, that six men were standing, in the 19th century, next to the body of the recently-deceased animal that is shown. I have pointed out the apparent drag-mark on the ground, showing the direction from which the body was dragged; Paiva then pointed out the very small tree that appears to have been broken down to allow the animal to be dragged to the place where it was photographed. We do not proclaim that none of the body of the animal was lifted when it was moved, but it does appear that some dragging took place.


Introduction to Belt-Buckles and Buttons

Over the past few weeks, I have come to better appreciate the importance of the animal shown in Ptp, the details in the soldiers being much less important. But on February 10, 2017, I decided to test the idea that the six men were standing as they appeared to have stood, for some skeptics have suggested ideas related to digital image manipulation of those human figures. Apparently those skeptics were thinking that if the soldiers were not what they appeared to be, the animal shown could be dismissed as well.

One soldier caught my attention: the man with his boot on the beak of the apparent Pteranodon. If this is a genuine photograph of six men, the one appearing in front would be closer to the camera. I then decided to measure the widths of belt buckles on those men in Ptp. Belt buckles appeared to be much better than other details of the men’s bodies and clothing, for they’re much more likely to have been of the same size. I later decided to also measure buttons.

Distances of the Apparent Civil War Soldiers From the Camera

The five soldiers standing behind the apparent pterosaur were named for “back-soldier,” and the man in front for “front-soldier.” The following shows what was measured:

  • BS1 belt-buckle and button
  • BS2   ”         ”         ”        “
  • BS3 (nothing)
  • BS4 belt-buckle
  • BS5 belt-buckle and button
  • FS      ”          ”        ”        “

pixel-width sizes of belt buckles and buttons were measured

I magnified the original image until the pixels could be counted on the belt buckles. The man BS3 is turned to one side, so I did not try to measure anything on him. Here are the results for buckle width in pixels:

  • BS1: 8
  • BS2: 9
  • BS4: 10
  • BS5: 9
  • FS: 11

Notice that the man who appears to have been closer to the camera has the greatest pixel-width of his belt buckle. That is consistent with the idea that he was actually standing a bit closer to the camera than were the other men.

It could be argued that FS has his hip turned, because of one foot being raised higher than the other: That alone could easily make his buckle at least one pixel wider. But notice soldier BS4: his buckle is turned in the same way, yet the pixel count is smaller than for FS. And look at the count for BS1: 3 pixels smaller than for FS. The twisting of the buckle on FS might make a difference of up to two pixels when compared with BS1, but not likely three pixels.

A skeptic may declare that those differences are small. Consider this: Compared with the distance from the camera to the animal shown, the differences involving the soldiers is also small. For the image to be genuine, you would expect FS to have only a slightly wider belt buckle pixel-width, and that is exactly what we find.

I then measured pixel widths of buttons, finding this:

  • BS1: 3
  • BS2: 3
  • BS5: 3
  • FS: 4

Buttons are consistent with belt buckles, supporting the idea that the men were actually standing as they appear to be, with one soldier measurably closer to the camera than the other men are from the camera.


Copyright 2017 and 2018 Jonathan D. Whitcomb (“More Evidence for the Civil War Pterodactyl Photo“)


Old photo of a pterosaur was declared genuine (but no more)

“Support Removed for Ptp Photograph”


Civil War “dinosaur” photo

Years ago, a scientist in California began noticing details in a photograph, clues that the image of an apparent modern pterosaur was genuine. On January 14, 2017, I spoke with Clifford Paiva (a physicist) by phone. We agreed that the photo (now labeled “Ptp”) has a genuine photographic image of a modern pterosaur.


The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur

Nonfiction book for readers 8-14 years old (by Whitcomb)


Scientific Paper on Living Pterosaurs

The peer-reviewed Creation Research Society Quarterly (CRSQ), Volume 45, Number 3, contains the article “Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific,” by Jonathan D. Whitcomb.


Small nonfiction paperback about modern pterosaurs

Modern Pterosaurs – this book has been removed from publication

From the first chapter of this nonfiction book:

In the summer of 2014, a well-known biology professor at a Midwestern university wrote a scathing blog post about my online writings concerning apparent modern pterosaurs. It included ridiculing the lack of photos of the creatures on my web pages. Whatever pages he had seen, it appears he failed to notice the ones that examined the photo now called Ptp.


Pterosaur Sightings in Spain

city of Barcelona, Spain

By living-pterosaur expert and author Jonathan D. Whitcomb


Sighting in Benicassim, Spain (mid-2007)

I received an email in 2008,  from a man living in England. Here’s part of his sighting report:

I hope you are the Jonathan Whitcomb . . . investigating pterodactyl like animals in Papua New Guinea?

I’m not sure who to tell this to, as it’s a bit strange, but I was researching ‘modern pterodactyls’ on the
internet, following something I saw a bit closer to home in Spain, and your name cropped up quite a lot, so
thought you might be interested in what I saw . . .

Apart  from the two people with me at the time, I haven’t mentioned this to anyone (bar yourself now), simply because I realise it sounds odd, and can’t be bothered to have to defend myself on this. . . .

. . . last summer, some friends and I drove from England . . . [to a desert in Spain] for a music festival. One night, [while] sitting on the ground . . . (a fair way from the noise and commotion of the festival), I saw . . . [something that] passed right over us, probably about 30-40 ft high, and as I watched it, I realised it was definitely no owl I’d ever seen before. It was the colour of suede/sand . . .

[The flying creature] had a long thin tail, and didn’t flap once. I only saw it for a few seconds (as the campsite was lit up, illuminating it from beneath), but it fairly quickly passed into the dark, out of the reach of the light. It wasn’t as big as the ones you describe from Papua New Guinea, but was 100% not a bird. . . . I haven’t been able to find any species of fruit bat ANYWHERE that has a long, straight tail, and I’m sure I’d recognise a fruitbat . . .

. . . wingspan I’d estimate to be only 2-3 feet tip to tip, and was gliding for the whole time I saw  it. The impression I got was a lot more bat-like than bird, except it had a beak- and I realise that owls have flat faces, and bats obviously don’t have beaks. The tail must have been close to a foot [long] I guess . . .  held out perfectly straight behind it.

Sightings in Barcelona, Spain

Let’s consider reports of the “giant winged cryptid” seen in Barcelona in 1990.

. . . the creature was seen (day and night) in various parts of the Catalonian capital and in locations such as Gavá, Sant Joan Despí, Salou, Bellvei del Penedés and the region of Empordá. According to eyewitness accounts, the bird ranged as far away as 100 kilometers distant from Barcelona.

According to witnesses, the animal was dark (mainly black or grey) with a wingspan of between 3 and 15 meters, making loud crowing sounds in three different tones, and whose membranous wings were reminiscent of a prehistoric pterodactyl. . . .

A few days after the apparition, the Police acknowledged in a story published in El Periodico de Cataluña that it had received hundreds of calls reporting the presence of the gigantic being, while the citizen hotline crashed as a result of the event. . . .


What are we to think about these sightings of strange flying creatures in Spain? Take them in context: sightings of apparent modern pterosaurs worldwide.

The following are only some of the nations where these “pterodactyls” or “dragons” are reported to fly, at least at some time within the past 100 years, and some of these countries have many sighting reports.

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • China
  • Cuba
  • Great Britain
  • Greece (island of Crete)
  • Mexico
  • Namibia (Africa)
  • Netherlands (Holland)
  • New Zealand
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • Sudan (Africa)
  • United States of America (most states)



Pterosaurs in Spain

With all the web pages, blogs, and forum postings about possible pterosaurs reported in Papua New Guinea, the United States, and Africa, what about other continents? Well, Europe has its share . . .

Giant Flying Creature in Spain

In Barcelona and surrounding areas in Spain, in 1990, a large or giant flying creature was reported by a number of eyewitnesses. Now some cryptozoologists and others are trying to explain what happened.

El Ropen de Papúa Nueva Guinea

El “ropen” es un cryptid de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Algunos investigadores creen que es un pterosauro que vive.


Old Photo of a Pterosaur Declared Genuine

More credible of the two apparent Civil War photos of a large pterosaur and some soldiers

By modern-pterosaur expert Jonathan David Whitcomb

Update on November 6, 2018: IMPORTANT

I have withdrawn my support for the Ptp photograph. It now seems obvious that one of the wings in that image is very close to what is seen on an animated pterosaur in one of the episodes of Walking with Dinosaurs.

I will let the origin post (below) stand as it is, for readers to learn whatever they can about how I may have fallen into such a big blunder. I now take full responsibility for my original decision to support this image before learning about its provenance.

I have ordered the halting of printing for one of my books, Modern Pterosaurs, because much of the content was about the Ptp image. Other books I still recommend for readers, however, for I still support the many eyewitness testimonies that are in those other publications.

Official Announcement of a Joint Declaration

On Saturday, January 14, 2017, the missile defense physicist Clifford Paiva and I communicated by phone and mutually agreed that the image herein labeled “Pteranodon Photograph” contains a genuine image of a modern pterosaur, regardless of the specific species or type of pterosaur that it may have been. This photo is not to be confused with the hoax-image said to have been created by an American film and television production company named “Haxan” (possibly a “Freaky Links” episode for Fox TV in 2001). The Haxan-photograph is indeed a hoax, probably influenced in its fabrication by the earlier photo that is now declared authentic.

Figure 1, below, is now offered as evidence for modern pterosaurs.

Genuine Image Called “Pteranodon Photograph”

More credible of the two apparent Civil War photos of a large pterosaur and some soldiers

Figure 1: photograph declared genuine by Paiva and Whitcomb (click on it for full size)


Contrast the above image with the one that is known to be a hoax, below:

hoax photo from a TV episode

Figure 2: Haxan hoax-photo, probably made in imitation of the other one


The Problem of Confusing the Two Photos

One of the problems I have seen in online discussions is this: People confuse the above two images. They are completely different pictures, although careless glances or poor memory can make people assume only one photograph is involved. Let’s look at one example:

One person on an online discussion group said that he (or she) showed “this picture” to his (or her) father, who is apparently a photography expert. The result was laughter and then the following review:

  • The soldiers are all older and somewhat overweight, they’re most likely re-enactors
  • Photographic prints did not have borders on them during the civil war. The damage
    should go all the way to the edges

So what’s the problem with that criticism? The top of the discussion page gives a link to the image that is now labeled the “Pteranodon Photograph.” Yet a little further down is a comment that includes links related to the Haxan hoax. For a long time, the discussion appears to go on without hardly any person being aware: Two completely different photos are being discussed. The two criticisms mentioned, about soldiers being overweight and the print borders, apply to the hoax photo much better than to the “Pteranodon Photograph.” In fact, I see little doubt: The photography expert saw the Haxan photo, NOT the genuine one.

Declaration of Universal Pterosaur Extinction

We’ll call this “DUPE.” It’s not only assuming that all species of pterosaurs must have become extinct long ago; it’s declaring that idea as if it were a fact. The person who declares that all of them must have died out millions of years ago—that person then becomes part of the force that indoctrinates others into believing it. Here’s one example:

“. . . since they [dinosaurs] have not been seen in the past 65 million year or so, we are skeptical.”

Strange to tell, but for many years skeptics have criticized the living-pterosaur investigations, ridiculing me and my associates for not having any photographic evidence for extant pterosaurs, yet many skeptics have dismissed the Civil War photograph, mostly because the image obviously has, clearly in the middle, an apparent pterosaur.

Credit to Clifford Paiva

It has taken me (Jonathan Whitcomb) a number of years to come to the firm conclusion that the “Pteranodon Photograph” has a genuine image of a modern pterosaur. Yet this missile defense physicist has been declaring this case for years. Thank you, Cliff, for your wonderful work in this investigation. I hope that all of my friends can always be so patient with me and that I will be quicker to know the truth in the future and will not always require so much patience from others. We are indebted to Clifford Paiva.


More credible of the two apparent Civil War photos of a large pterosaur and some soldiers

Please be aware that Jonathan Whitcomb no longer supports this image


Copyright 2017 and 2018 Jonathan Whitcomb (“Old Photo of a Pterosaur Declared Genuine”)


Civil War pterosaur photograph

Let’s begin with what we know, practically for sure. The following image is from a television production, a staged performance that has been said to be an imitation of another, possibly much older, photograph.


Why Pterosaur Extinction may be Wrong

. . . Ropen lights  (or indava lights) are not caused by fire, airplane lights, or meteors.”Analysis, by the physicist Clifford Paiva, regarding Paul Nation’s video  footage . . .


Clifford Paiva Investigates Modern Pterosaurs

Many images from the research by this missile defense physicist—wonderful evidence!


Evidence of Modern Pterosaurs

Please join us: Investigate reports of modern living pterosaurs.


Jonathan Whitcomb's cryptozoology book "Modern Pterosaurs"

Modern Pterosaurs – verified by two scientists to have a genuine image of a real animal

From the final chapter of the book:

Making a simple hoax . . . needs no insertion of any soldier onto the background. Critics of Ptp, however, appear to be completely ignorant of that fact. They seem to assume that anything that gives any feeling of soldier-insertion destroys all confidence in the possibility that the animal is real. Nonsense!


Another Ropen Sighting in Ohio

Perosaur Sketch by Eskin Kuhn

By the living-pterosaur expert and cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb

Over the past thirteen years, I have received many reports from eyewitnesses of apparent pterosaurs in the United States, including states of the Midwest, although more commonly they use one of the following words or phrases:

  • Dragon
  • Pterodactyl
  • Prehistoric bird
  • Flying dinosaur
  • Big bat with a long tail
  • Big bird with no feathers

I’m not as interested in what an eyewitness calls the flying creature as I am in how it’s described. Recently I got an email from an eyewitness in Ohio.

Ropen Sighting in Gahanna, Ohio

A man (who has two college degrees in biology) and his son together had a sighting in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. The following is part of the man’s email report to me, with minor spelling and punctuation corrections:

I just want to report a sighting of a pterodactyl-looking animal. My sighting took place last night, 12/19/2016. . . . I would think of myself as someone who knows a little something of the animal kingdom. However, as of last night I realize I don’t know anything. I saw what appeared to be a gray-skinned pterodactyl [clearly] . . . [It] dive bombed my car. My son and I were in the car and we both saw the same thing . . .

It almost hit my front windshield… we got an amazing and privileged look at this…whatever it is…we couldn’t have been more that 6 or 7 feet from it. . . . As far as the tail goes, I did not see a tail but my son said he did as the creature whipped it around…he said it had sharp projections on the tip…but it was moving so fast he said he just got a glimpse of it . . .

I will just keep writing as this was just so amazing that I just want to talk and talk about it….at least to someone that might believe us. . . . Just looked up Ropen…yes some of the encounters relate [to] the very triangular nature of the wings [also] we never saw it move the wings at all…just glide…like all of the encounters…I am not going to look anything more up as I don’t want to be biased in any way when we talk.

We were able to talk for some time by phone. I learned that the sighting was at 6:45 p.m., and the car had its headlight high beams on. The man, who is a biologist, noticed that the skin was grayish, with a texture that reminded him, to some extent, of elephant skin: thick and rough. He believes that if the creature had not been flying, the skin could have been seen as wrinkled, although the act of flying may have kept the skin tighter.

Pterosaur Sighting in Context With Others

This encounter with an apparent ropen near Columbus, Ohio, needs to be taken in context of many other reported sightings in the Midwest, as well as those in the states of Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York.

In addition, we need to consider the possibility that what was seen by this biologist and his teenaged son, late in 2016, may be related to the “Gitmo Pterosaur” of eastern Cuba. Perhaps it is the same species.


Perosaur Sketch by Eskin Kuhn

Sketch of the two “pterodactyls” seen by Eskin Kuhn at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba



Ropen Sighting in Ohio in Late 2016

Last month I got an email from a man who lives in Gahanna, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. He and his teenaged son were driving near their home at 6:45 p.m. on December 19, 2016, when a large creature flew over their car . . .

Pterosaur Sightings in Ohio, Kansas, and Missouri

Eyewitness accounts of apparent “pterodactyls” in America, including sightings of large ropens . . . Jonathan Whitcomb, before and after writing the first edition of Searching for Ropens, received emails from  many witnesses of similar flying creatures in America. Those many eyewitness reports prompted him to write  a new nonfiction book: Live Pterosaurs in America.

Ropen Sighting in New Guinea

Hennessy said, “It was black or dark brown.  I had never seen anything like it before. . . . I recall seeing this creature with a longish narrow tail . . . the head was disproportionately large compared to the body . . .”

Ropen or Pterodactyl in North America

I am one of six Americans who have traveled to Papua New Guinea, since mid-2004, to search for modern pterosaurs, what many Americans call “pterodactyls.”
