
Woetzel ropen sighting of 2004

David Woetzel, American cryptozoologist and explorer

David Woetzel, American cryptozoologist and explorer

“Ropen” is what natives of Umboi Island call the nocturnal flying creature, and legends abound. Most eyewitnesses have only seen it from a distance, at night, and they describe a strange flying light.

David Woetzel led the second ropen expedition on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, late in 2004, accompanied by fellow-American cryptozoologist Garth Guessman. One night, near Arot Village (northern Umboi), Woetzel saw a strange light flying towards the mountains near Lake Pung. Consider this excerpt from my interview with him in 2005:

“My sighting was so quick that it was impossible to get a video—maybe 2 seconds  . . . [The flying light was] almost golden and shimmering around the edges. It looked like an old-fashioned street light in the fog.

“There was no tail and it was flying horizontal from  Mt. Barik toward  Mt. Tolo . . . The size, color and speed made it immediately stand out as unlike any other thing I’ve ever seen in the sky.”

Woetzel estimated the angular-size of the light: about 20%-25% the size of a full moon. With a lack of any meteor tail and horizontal movement, a meteor interpretation is unreasonable. This must have been the same object observed by my interpreter (Luke Kenda) a few weeks earlier and a few kilometers to the east: a horizontally-flying light with a mountain background. I believe that both sightings were of the ropen.

Although this sighting, by itself, obviously does not prove that pterosaurs are still living, it validates the honesty of this cryptozoologist: Woetzel could easily have reported some kind of pterosaur-feature, rather than only a glowing object, were he to have been dishonest. This is one example (among many) of the honesty of the explorers who searched for  living pterosaurs from 1994 through 2004, for they interviewed many eyewitnesses but admitted never observing any pterosaur-like animal themselves. It disproves the careless general accusation (from some critics) that they are dishonest.


Nonfiction book "Live Pterosaurs in America" by WhitcombDid you know that living pterosaurs have been reported in North America, even in the United States? Read the many eyewitness sighting reports  by purchasing this incredible nonfiction book on Amazon or from the publisher—Live Pterosaurs in America.

Manus Island, Papua New Guinea, sighting

I just received an eyewitness sighting report from somebody in Papua New Guinea. Reports of nocturnal glowing creatures flying near the coast of Manus Island are hardly new; we assume that they are related to the ropen of Umboi Island. Here is part of the recent account:

“I was born and brought up in Manus Island . . . there are lights swooping over fish shoals . . . Two years ago  we took a boat out to investigate and could see the lights soaring over us and heard flapping of wings though we never could make out the actual animal, we observed they did dive into the sea and then erupt out of it with a great flapping sound.”

I am waiting for this eyewitness to answer detailed questions, such as “Did they flash for a few seconds or were they always on?”

Texas, Marion County sighting, about 1995

I just received a sighting report from a man who was about eight years old when he saw a “featherless flying animal” near Jefferson, Texas. Several details suggest that this is no hoax: a genuine sighting.

He estimated the wingspan at 4 1/2 to 5 feet with a long tail that had a “diamond type shape” at the end [Update: See other posts on the ropen]. The creature had leathery skin rather than any hair or feathers. One unusual feature was a series of highly contrasted stripes on the animal’s topside (back); the underside (stomach), however, had a much more neutral coloring. It had a “long mouth/beak” with teeth. It was flying only about eight feet above the ground, making a noisy flapping. Nothing obstructed the boy’s view of the creature.

The boy was alone at the time. The creature left before the boy’s mother came outside; she told him “it was just a bird and it was my imagination.” I believe the boy’s version of what happened, for several aspects of his report are supported by other eyewitness testimonies for other sightings in the U.S.

More: Boy sees pterosaur in Texas [Yes, this eyewitness has confirmed his good credibility]

UPDATE (August 29, 2019)

By the ropen expert Jonathan Whitcomb

Since I wrote the above post early in 2010, I have received many sighting reports from Texas: apparent living pterosaurs. A significant number of them appear to have been encounters with ropens.

From sighting reports across the United States, I have found that only a small percentage of them include any indication of teeth in the flying creatures. Most eyewitnesses were too far away to see such a detail, or the animals were flying with their mouths closed. Yet the detail of teeth does occasionally come up in the accounts that eyewitnesses give to me.

Cuba ropen - "Please report your sighting"

You can report your sighting in confidence



Flying predator in Texas

Although Whitcomb admits that Marfa Lights may come from an unknown bioluminescent bird or bat, he says, “It is more likely than not from a creature similar to the ropen of Papua New Guinea, and my associates and I are sure about the ropen: It is a pterosaur.”


Protect Animal Life

On Youtube, this is the NUMBER ONE source of information on flying creatures that appear to be modern pterosaurs. The administrator is Jonathan Whitcomb, the world’s most prolific nonfiction writer on these animals.


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Ropen sightings in the United States

Of all the sighting reports, of apparent living pterosaurs, that I have received since the year 2003, the great majority have been from the eyewitnesses themselves. Most of those reports have been emails from the persons who encountered those flying creatures and found me from my online publications.


Featherless flying animal

In the late summer of 2008, I received an email from an eyewitness in Georgia, a lady who at first was anonymous in my publications (in 2012, she allowed her name to be revealed).
