
On the Light Side; Apologies to Emily Dickinson

Ropen, the thing without feathers - no offense to Emily Dickinson

As we learn more about the behaviors of modern living pterosaurs, from eyewitness reports, we learn more and more about the darker side to some of these flying creatures. To those who love birds: beware of ropens.

Ropen, the thing without feathers - no offense to Emily Dickinson


“Not Everybody Embraces a Live Pterodactyl,” by Jonathan David Whitcomb

Ropen, the thing without feathers,

That sleeps inside a hole,

And eats the bats and perching birds,

And never stops at all . . .

Is it better not to know?

[I had originally put it “is better not to know,” referring to getting too close to a ropen. I always believe we need to know about these wonderful flying creatures of the night.]



nonfiction by Whitcomb - "Searching for Ropens and Finding God" - supporting the Bible regarding the fiery flying serpent (pterosaur)

Searching for Ropens and Finding God – True stories of courage