
Anniversary of Scott Norman’s Pterosaur Sighting

Today is the six-year anniversary of the pterosaur sighting by the late cryptozoologist Scott Norman. His associates are grateful that he left us an objective report of his encounter soon after it happened, for he passed away less than a year later.

If my source made no mistake in the date, it was on the night between July 18th and 19th, in 2007, when Scott saw the huge flying creature gliding over a shed, in a secret location in the United States. His associates were taking turns staying up at night, watching the sky for the flying lights and the more rare appearances of the forms of large flying creatures. Scott agreed to take a turn, although he doubted that his friends had seen living pterosaurs. He had seen the video that they had recorded and he thought it looked more like a bird than a pterosaur.

It was between 1:30 and 2:30 a.m.; here are his own words:

I was sitting in a chair, sideways towards the shed looking up at the starry skies, when this animal came gliding just over the shed and into the field and then I lost it. I did not tell them about the sighting until later that morning, I had to sleep on and think about what I saw.

The animal I saw had an 8-10 foot wing span, the wings were bat-like in shape, the inside had that wavy type of look. The body was about 5-6 feet in length, the neck about 1-2 feet in length, the head was about four feet in length, and the head was key for me: it has a crest that was about 2 feet in length, fit that of a pteranodon, don’t know how else to describe it. Our contact had a similar type of sighting three years ago in daylight. In his sighting he saw a long tail, I did not see one, and all of the pteranodon pictures I’ve seen show a real short stubby one. The animal I saw was stockier compared to some of the drawings of pterosaurs I’ve seen. . . .

I only saw the silhouette of the animal against the a stars in the sky and saw no real details, the animal was black, could not see any color to it. The animal was only 20 feet from me, our contact told us his shed is 18 ft high, and the animal was about two feet above that and probably it was a little closer as it flew by me and down into the pasture. The animal was gliding, it did not flap its wing and it did not make any sounds, so if I had not been looking where I was I would probably have not seen it. I shone my small flashlight into the field and did not see the animal so it must have kept flying.

Thank you to Chad Arment for publishing this account from Scott’s report.

Comparison With Another Pterosaur Sighting

Scott estimated the flying creature’s head was about four feet long. This turned my attention to the 1944 Finschhafen sighting by Duane Hodgkinson, who estimated the head of the “pterodactyl” to be about three or four feet long. This suggests to me that it may have been a different species from what was seen by Scott, for the 1944 creature had a wingspan in the neighborhood of thirty feet, far more than the 8-10 foot estimate for Scott’s pterosaur wingspan.


It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s . . . a Pterosaur

When they first notice something flying, many eyewitnesses assume it is a bird; only after looking at it for awhile do they notice things like a long tail with a structure at tail-end and a head crest and a featherless appearance (a few eyewitnesses even see teeth: rather un-bird-like).

Pterosaur Sighting

Are the investigations of pterosaur sightings scientific or “anti-science?” They are cryptozoological investigations, using whatever scientific tools and methods are available. Jonathan Whitcomb has analyzed 128 of the more-credible sighting reports, late in 2012, concluding that three significant factors show that there was no major hoax involvement in those sightings as a whole.

Pterosaur Extinction (or not)

I see the HUGE bird looking thing fly across the overpass I was on, maybe 20-25 feet in front of my car and about 7 or 8 feet off the ground. . . . it had an enormous pointed beak, with a pointed top of its head. . . . I noted that the wingspan was probably about 5-6 feet wide. Kind of bony wing structure ending in points (almost like sails) with what looked like small claws in the middle. . . . a LONG tail with a spade at the end.


Ropen book, non-fiction, by Whitcomb

Searching for Ropens and Finding God – fourth edition, nonfiction

From page 51 of the 353-page book:

My offer of 200 kina per week (equal to $70 US) was accepted gladly, but Joe and Luke wanted to know my plans. They had never heard of the ropen, and when I mentioned the size of the creature, their faces spoke volumes, without any reference to a 65-million-year-old extinction. Luke suddenly realized why a stranger was offering him an easy job with generous pay. Joe’s face said, “Will I ever see my brother again?” I told them my camera worked from a distance; still, it took some explaining before they felt assured that I valued safety.



Nonfiction cryptozoology books on extant pterosaurs

Four notable non-fiction cryptozoology books (with at least some emphasis on sightings of apparent living pterosaurs) are in print or available by publishing-on-demand. I list them here in order of Amazon sales for the combined months of May-June, 2010, with “market share” under the assumption that non-Amazon sales are similar and referring to these four books as if they’re the only ones with special emphasis on extant pterosaurs.

To the best of my knowledge, there is no cryptozoology book, as of July 1, 2010, primarily about living-pterosaur sightings around the world. Dinosaurs, Dead or Alive is about worldwide sightings, but dinosaurs, not pterosaurs, are the main topic; Searching for Ropens (second edition) is only about pterosaur sightings, but refers almost exclusively to the Southwest Pacific; Live Pterosaurs in America is only about pterosaur sightings, but relates only to the forty-eight states of the U.S.A.; Big Bird is about large flying creatures, be they bird-like or pterosaur-like, and emphasizes sightings in Texas.

Descriptions of these cryptozoology books are from Amazon.

Live Pterosaurs in America

LPA was by far the best-seller, with 47% of the sales for these four nonfiction books ( sales for the combined months of May and June). On Amazon, it is categorized in Nature / Wildlife

Live “pterodactyls!” In the United States? Prepare for a shock if you thought they all died millions of years ago. In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have been shocked by featherless creatures flying overhead. Many of the apparent living pterosaurs are much larger than any bat; Many have long tails; many have head crests. Where are the news headlines? How did living pterosaurs avoid the media spotlight? Rare and nocturnal, they have always lived here.

Big Bird

BB had 26% of the sales for these four non-fiction books.

A LEGEND ON LEATHER WINGS! The Indians called it the Thunderbird, a winged monster so vast that the beating of its mighty pinions sounded like thunder. But this ancient beast is not to be held in the cage of mythology. Today, from all over the dusty U.S. / Mexican border come hair-raising stories of modern day encounters with winged monsters of immense size and terrifying appearance.

Searching for Ropens, second edition

SFR-2 had 15% of the sales for these four non-fiction books.

Expanded second edition: An American flight instructor, an Australian psychologist, many natives on tropical islands, an Australian couple, a Baptist minister, a teenaged farm-boy–each saw a giant living pterosaur. Each was amazed, or terrified, or shocked by a brown or dark-colored featherless creature: long-tailed and with a wingspan as great as fifty feet.

Dinosaurs, Dead or Alive

DDA had 12% of the sales. (No description is available.)


Cryptozoology Book

Third edition of "Live Pterosaurs in America"Living pterosaurs have been reported in the United States, for years. Astonishing! Eyewitnesses had been afraid to come forward, for the most part; now those who choose can remain anonymous and tell of their encounters. Read the many astonishing eyewitness sighting reports  by purchasing your own copy of this amazing nonfiction, yes NON-FICTION, book directly from the publisher: Live Pterosaurs in America, expanded third edition.

For the second edition of this book, one reader wrote the following review on Amazon: “I couldn’t put this book down. It is absolutely fascinating to read about eyewitness accounts of the people who have seen these creatures. To learn about these testimonies from such an open minded perspective is refreshing in the extreme! The way that our school systems and scientists alike are indoctrinated is sad. There is so much money out there being used for research, if only they would use it for good. I highly recommend this book to anyone! People should know the truth about what is going on. No one ever hears anything about this unless they conduct extremely specific internet searches, even then, information is minimal. Jonathan Whitcomb needs to write more books!” (review by “StrangeDream”)


Part two: Cliff Paiva report (two indava lights)

image 369 two indava lights analyzed by Cliff PaivaThe video footage obtained by Paul Nation, (late-2006 expedition, Papua New Guinea) was analyzed by the physicist Cliff Paiva (BSM Associates, California). The mountains where Nation observed the indava lights was just a little south of where Evelyn Cheesman had observed similar strange lights decades earlier.

From page four (Whitcomb’s explanation for technical details of the Paiva report, excerpts on site):

Casual observation of Paul Nation’s video seems to show that the lower-left light fades out while the upper-right light is still glowing brightly. Paiva’s analysis shows that the lower “target” does not completely cease glowing but continues a low-intensity emission eight seconds from the beginning of the video recording.


Did you know that living pterosaurs are also reported in the United States? Read about it in the nonfiction book “Live Pterosaurs in America,” available on Amazon.  (Your purchase shall then support these living-pterosaur investigations; thank you.)

Non-fiction book on living pterosaurs in the U.S.

Live Pterosaurs in America (2009, nonfiction) [second edition: Nov, 2010; third edition: Nov, 2011] is still [early 2010] more popular on than most of the many nonfiction cryptozoology books. Here is the main text of the title page:

front cover of nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in AmericaReports of giant flying “ptero-dactyls” in American skies—these have floated around the internet for years; but they had been mostly devoid of interview details. Until about 2005, even when an eyewitness was named, the interviewer was often anonymous; even when an eyewitness was credible, and the account published in a newspaper, the story was ridiculed, discouraging others who had also seen strange flying creatures. Where could eyewitnesses go? Who would believe them?

Since the two ropen expeditions of 2004, in Papua New Guinea, more Americans have become exposed to the amazing living-pterosaur investigations and the many resulting eyewitness interviews. Many web pages have sprung up, many of them by explorers themselves. But despite other web pages, by scornful critics who never went anywhere and never interviewed anyone, these two expeditions, and those that preceded and followed them, are causing an awakening, the birth of a new perspective about extinction-assumptions regarding pterosaurs.

How are sightings in the United States related to those in the Southwest Pacific? How do some apparent nocturnal pterosaurs pertain to bats (and how are bats irrelevant)? How could modern living pterosaurs have escaped scientific notice? These mysteries have slept in the dark, beyond the knowledge of almost all Americans . . . until now.

More about cryptozoology books (nonfiction) on modern living pterosaurs