
Introduction to living-pterosaur investigations

The concept that pterosaurs continue to live in various areas of this planet has excited a few ardent cryptozoologists and many casual investigators. Not without controversy, the idea that some of the species not only survive in isolated rain forests in Papua New Guinea, but live in Australia, North America, Central America, South America, and Africa–that is shocking. Nevertheless, please consider what has been learned from expeditions and research from 1993 until the present. Shocking or not, my associates and I are excited about the prospect of an official discovery in our lifetimes.

My own work in living-pterosaur investigations began in 2003. I was a forensic videographer at the time, interviewing and videotaping accident victims (for attorney firms). I examined Paul Nation’s videos from his expeditions in 1994 and 2002 and became convinced that the native eyewitnesses were telling the truth about a strange large flying creature in Papua New Guinea: consistant with what would be expected of a sighting of a living pterosaur. My own expedition to Umboi Island, in late-2004, confirmed to me the reality of living Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs in that part of the world. I have since interviewed many eyewitnesses (many from North America, but others in Europe and elsewhere in the world) and written two non-fiction books.

This blog is now open to comments from those who have been involved or positively interested in living-pterosaur investigations. [Introduction to this Live Pterosaur blog]