Live Pterosaur Media Center Live Pterosaur News Media Home Questions & Answers Question #1: How could any species of pterosaur have survived  extinction millions of years ago?   Answer 1-A: All it takes is a few eggs, protected in one or two or more  nests, in one or two or more places on this planet. That prevents extinction.   Answer 1-B: Why believe that all their species must have become extinct? It  requires independent or out-of-the-box thinking for Westerners to examine  that extinction idea objectively, for we have been indoctrinated since early  childhood in the idea of universal extinction of all dinosaurs and pterosaurs.   Answer 1-C: Peter Wellnhofer, generally recognized in the scientific  community as the world’s leading expert on pterosaurs, admits the “paucity  of the fossil record” regarding pterosaurs. Paleontologists believe there were  many species of pterosaurs for which we do not have fossil evidence. But  few paleontologists, if any, have acknowledged what that implies regarding  extinction: The few species for which we have fossils can give no evidence  for any extinctions of the many species that left no fossils; we therefore  must admit that some species of pterosaurs may have survived.   Question #2: Why do many paleontologists believe they’re all extinct?   Answer 2-A: Pterosaur extinction is an old assumption, two centuries old.  Without a live or recently-deceased body to examine, it can be risky for any  paleontologist to try to validate an eyewitness sighting, for it flies in the face  of generations of tradition. But some species appear to have survived.     Answer 2-B: Until recently, little research had been done on reports of  sightings of apparent living pterosaurs. Even now, many paleontologists  may know little or nothing about that research for it is in cryptozoology, a  very different field from paleontology.   Answer 2-C: Until a few years ago, few if any peer-reviewed scientific  journals had published anything on eyewitness sightings of apparent living  pterosaurs. The subject of modern extant pterosaurs appears paranormal, so  it has been ignored in most scientific journals.   Question #3: How does Jonathan Whitcomb respond to the statement  by the cryptozoologist Loren Coleman? “‘According to Whitcomb, a  substantial number are not from hoaxes, insanity, or misidentifications;  they are most likely living pterosaurs,’ says their press release. Wherein  lies the insanity here?”   Answer 3-A: Coleman seems to have taken a popular axiom of standard  paleontology, universal pterosaur extinction, as if it were a proven scientific  fact. Perhaps he assumes that those who disagree with such a popular idea  may have mental health problems, but he is probably just playing with  words. In none of his writings have I seen any indication that he has looked  deeply into the concept of weaknesses in the axiom of universal pterosaur  extinction; he simply assumes that the more popular idea must be valid.  Answer 3-B: Coleman seems to have missed a critical point: Eyewitnesses  come from various backgrounds, various countries, and various belief  systems, but their sighting reports contain important similarities in many  instances. Coleman has simply not looked deeply and carefully into the most  important reports, most likely. He seems to have assumed that the American  investigators themselves have a severe bias that causes their conclusions to  be invalid. He seems to have overlooked the possibility that his own bias  may be just as much of a problem in drawing conclusions about extinctions.                                                          ### The opinions expressed are those of Jonathan David Whitcomb. Media professionals may use these paragraphs, in whole or in part, for news distribution. Some images on this page may also be used by the news media. Paleontology vs Cryptozoology Some nocturnal pterosaurs may  sleep in caves during daylight (This image may not be available for automatic use by the media) For the past eight years, Jonathan  Whitcomb has probably spent more  hours interviewing eyewitnsses of  apparent living pterosaurs than any  other cryptozoologist, or researcher,  or reporter, or scientist on this planet. Only a limited number of species of pterosaurs are represented by fossils (This image may not be available for automatic use by the media) Six Answers to Questions One, Two, and Three Eyewitnesses continue to tell cryptozoologists about sightings (This image may be used by the media) One of the ponds at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Orange County, California (Near here, a huge long-tailed flying creature flew over a road in daylight) Jonathan Whitcomb on Umboi Island in Papua New Guinea (This image may be used by the media) New Nonfiction Books Cryptozoology Explorers