Science and modern pterosaurs

Pterosaur seen in Cuba, in 1971, sketched by Eskin KuhnSomething in our Western culture seems to say “unscientific,” whenever the subject of modern living pterosaurs comes up. It’s not the countless fossils sitting on countless shelves in countless laboratories and museums, for countless fossils are very similar to presently-living organisms. Could it be that we have been indoctrinated, for generations, into the idea that all dinosaurs and pterosaurs have been extinct for many millions of years? Indeed, that is what projects the feeling of “unscientific,” when an eyewitness reports a living pterosaur. The feeling is absent from natives of third-world countries, where the extinction dogma is absent. They have no problem with a living dragon.

“Superstitious” cannot reasonably be used to dismiss native-eyewitess testimonies; their superstitions are left out of their testimonies. “Religious bias” cannot be reasonably used to dismiss American-eyewitness testimonies; the creationist researchers are not, for the most part, the eyewitnesses, but the creationists interview and quote those of various beliefs who describe obvious pterosaurs. And the testimonies of natives of Papua New Guinea coorelate with those of Americans and Australians: mostly large or giant flying creatures, with no sign of feathers and with very long tails.

Let us promote scientific investigations of reports of modern pterosaurs.

The sketch above was drawn by the eyewitness Eskin Kuhn, who observed two long-tailed pterosaurs flying in daylight over the Guantanamo Bay military station, in 1971.

More: Scientific Paper on Living Pterosaurs

Scientific paper on living pterosaurs

Creation Research Society Quarterly - coverThe peer-reviewed Creation Research Society Quarterly (CRSQ), Volume 45, Number 3, contains the article “Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific,” by Jonathan D. Whitcomb.

Included was the eyewitness account of the Umboi Island native Gideon Koro, interviewed in 2004 by Whitcomb:

“In about 1994, at Lake Pung, Umboi, and in daylight, seven boys, aged about eleven to sixteen, saw what three of them (in 2004) told me was a ropen . . . Their testimonies were videotaped during an interview in the Awelkon Village area . . .

“According to Gideon Koro, who speaks some English, a few minutes after they had arrived at the lake, ‘it came down.’ . . . When I asked about the tail length, he pondered, seeming to recall and estimate; then he said, “seven meetuh.” [seven meters or about twenty-two feet]

“Gideon was sure that the creature was a ropen. . . . When I asked about feathers, he at first appeared to be puzzled; his answer and mannerisms then seemed to me to reveal that he was surprised that I should ask that question: ‘There’s no feathers’ . . . I then asked, ‘Was there just skin?’ The Kovai word ‘byung’ came up as did the English term ‘flying fox.’ Gideon agreed that the skin was like that of a fruit bat.”

More: Credibility of the Umboi Island Eyewitnesses


Table of Contents for the nonfiction book "Live Pterosaurs in America"From Chapter Two of “Live Pterosaurs in America” (nonfiction book on

“The greatest danger facing innovators, rebels, and those who search for living pterosaurs—that’s a newspaper. National newspapers ignored the success of the Wright Brothers (their December, 1903, successful powered flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina). News reporters and editors, many of them, assumed that the controlled powered-flight of two bicycle mechanics was a lie, that it never happened. Even as late as 1908, many newspaper professionals thought the Wright Brothers ‘better liars than flyers.’ After all, a well-funded government-sponsored flying machine had crashed only a few days before the Wright Brothers were said to have first flown. But lack of news reporting and abundance of lie-insinuations can relate to both flying machines and flying pterosaurs.”