Pterodactyl Sightings and Youtube Videos

By Jonathan Whitcomb

On the live-stream chat of the video “Youtube Pterodactyl Videos Success” (Youtube channel Protect Animal Life), on May 21, 2021, the American eyewitness Nicole Stanziale told of her sighting. Here is part of what she said:

I am 44 now. I live in South Carolina about 10 min away from Charlotte, North Carolina. When I was a senior in high school in 1993, my friend and I were driving down a dark road, in Fort Mill, S.C. . . .

. . . it was all wooded then, no houses or anything, just trees as far as you could see on both sides of the road . . . A huge black bird was flying ahead. It looked really big, but as it got closer I realized that this thing was massive! . . .

It swooped down. I was so scared it looked like it was going to crash into the windshield, but it didn’t. . . . I will never forget its face and eyes. Long face and beak, horn shape on the top of its head, a bit of a boxy horn, but a horn, a very long tail. The tail did have a shape at the end . . .

I had longer to look at the head and wings as it was headed strait towards the windshield. It did not have feathers. It was slick, like a bat. I would describe the wings and legs like a bats wings and legs.. but it was MUCH BIGGER! It glided. I actually never saw its wings flap.

long-tailed pterosaur seen by U.S. Marine in Cuba
pterosaur U. S. Marine Eskin Kuhn saw in Cuba in 1971

The S.C. creature may be related to the above



Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina

Youtube video on the channel Protect Animal Life


Two Pterodactyls Chase a Bat

For many years, researchers have seen indirect evidence suggesting some modern pterosaurs feed on bats, at least as a part of their diet. Now we have direct eyewitness testimony that at least two apparent pterodactyls were chasing a bat at night in northern Alabama, in the spring of 2020.


The Strawman Argument with Worldwide Ropens

In a hypercritical Youtube video, a man attacks the idea that the ropen is a real animal, even potentially a modern pterosaur.


Are Modern Pterosaurs Dangerous?

The following is not a first-hand account but from a native who contacted me by emails in 2010, and he got the story from the grandson of the native fisherman who died three days after being attacked by a kor. I believe this animal is at least related to the ropen, if it is not the same exact species.


South Carolina Pterosaur

. . . and it was flying north. It was huge, as big as a plane, and looked very similar to the sketch created by Susan Wooten on your website. . . . I saw a huge pterodactyl looking creature, flying very high in the sky. The strangest thing about the sighting was how slow the wings were flapping and how high it was flying.


Missing Persons and Flying Creatures

This is only a shadow of an introduction; I’m only like a flight attendant demonstrating what you should do in the unlikely event of . . . you know. People go missing for many reasons, including the following:

  • Drowning
  • Getting lost
  • Running away from home
  • Falling asleep in an unusual place
  • Becoming abducted by a criminal
  • Succumbing to a non-human predator

My wife and I found ourselves helping in a neighborhood search for a preschool boy in Altadena, California, decades ago, a few months before we were married. Somebody eventually found him perfectly healthy: He had been sleeping in his house, underneath a bed. I believe that only a small percentage of missing person cases arise from being carried away by a large flying creature; with that said, we now need to consider that unlikely (or rare) event.

Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur sketchMissing 411 Books

I’m only beginning to learn about missing-person mysteries in the United States, having received two books in the mail only yesterday: Missing 411 Western United States & Canada and the more-recently published Missing 411 The Devil’s in the Detail, both by the investigative journalist David Paulides. Do not allow yourself to automatically dismiss him because of his writings on Bigfoot. He was a police officer before becoming an investigator of businesses. Those experiences prepared him for his recent work in cryptozoology and in the investigation of missing persons, especially those who went missing in national parks.

Are Modern Pterosaurs to Blame?

This really is only a shadow of things to come, for I’ve only just begun to read the first of those two books. Both “pterosaur” and “pterodactyl” are absent from the indexes of those books, as are “bird” and “dragon.” These are obviously not books on flying dinosaurs kidnapping people, and I’m not suggesting that most of the cases involve modern pterosaurs. Paulides does seem to have investigated the cases objectively, with no obvious sign he intended to point a finger in any particular direction. Countless persons go missing from national parks in mysterious circumstances.

From reading only a few dozen pages, I noticed the possibility a rogue ropen may have attacked some persons, although this is still speculative, based upon a small percentage of the living-pterosaur sighting reports that I have received over the past eleven years. A few modern pterosaurs do seem to have gone bad, and an apparent ropen has been known to approach a human through a suspicious dive. But that’s from my own research; Paulides may have no idea that a few modern pterosaurs may prey upon humans in North America.

Overview of Ropen-Attack Possibilities

Before going on, understand that many apparent pterosaurs in the United States have no interest in attacking people. In fact, the Marfa Lights in Texas as said to be friendly with humans, when they give any sign that they acknowledge us. Attacks against humans are exceptional, probably uncommon. But just as a few humans can turn bad, so can a few wild animals.

Why do tracking dogs so often fail to long follow the trails of missing persons in national parks? That in itself may tell us little, but why do tracking dogs that specialize in bears fail to find a bear scent when it appears a missing person was devoured by a wild animal? And why is a human head found but not any other large bones, and the head itself is mostly undamaged by any tooth mark? In many cases, the victim was on or near the shore of a lake or other large body of water. In some cases, there is no drag mark on the ground, as would be expected if a ground predator had removed the body from the attack scene.

One mother in Washington state, apparently unaware of the pterosaur possibility, said, “It’s as if Bobby climbed to the top of a tree and then kept going.” That four-year-old had been left on a dirt road for only two minutes while the rest of the family went ten feet into the nearby brush, to look at a small waterfall. There was no sound of a car during those two minutes and no sign that a bear or other ground predator had been there. Dogs that could have tracked a bear later failed, and some of the rescuers suggested a giant eagle may have carried away the boy. Other experts rejected that idea, but I’m afraid that this case is one of those unpleasant rare events that my associates and I can connect with natives who live in remote tropical rain forests in Papua New Guinea: a rogue ropen.

Perosaur Sketch by Eskin Kuhn
Kuhn saw two pterosaurs in Cuba, in 1971

Sketch by the eyewitness Eskin Kuhn, a U.S. Marine at Gitmo, Cuba


Ropen Attack

I suspect that most of the real attacks have been from rogue ropens, a few creatures that were suffering from something that prevented them from obtaining normal prey.

Deadly Pterosaurs

On rare occasions, a ropen, or kor, or indava (or by whatever name) will attack somebody, and the results are sometimes tragic . . .

Do Marfa Lights Attack Bats?

Strange flying lights in Texas may be from nocturnal predators that hunt bats.


Ropen book, non-fiction, by Whitcomb

Nonfiction 360-page paperback book by Jonathan D. Whitcomb: Searching for Ropens and Finding God


Singapore Flying Creature

Nearly surrounded by Malaysia and Indonesia, the city-state of Singapore now appears like a large city, but it was not always so. About half a century ago, a small boy took a walk in a “forested area” that is probably now part of the city of Singapore. He saw two flying creatures that he later recognized as pterosaurs, very unlike the common fruit bats.

Singapore Pterosaur

I was wandering some distance from the village; I was staying in Alexandra Road area, and was out on an adventure hunt one hot afternoon in a forested area when I came across a pair of them flying together [as they circled the palm trees] . . . at that time I thought nothing more of them . . . at such a young age, at that time, I never knew they were thought to be extinct.

Pterosaurs Near Singapore

“They were very much bigger than flying foxes and they did not glide like these smaller creatures. I have seen flying foxes many times at my location before.”

Credibility for pterosaurs living in and around Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia comes not from this sighting in the Singapore area. It comes from many reports of apparent pterosaurs . . .

A strange point of this sighting is what those two pterosaurs were eating: the orange fruit from palm trees. Those flying creatures may have been only distantly related to the ropen of Papua New Guinea, which is reported to eat what it catches on reefs and what carrion it finds on Umboi Island and probably on other islands.

In other parts of the world where nocturnal pterosaurs or apparent pterosaurs have been seen to fly, the creatures seem to be catching bats. One news report in Europe seems indirectly related but intriguing: bats catching birds at night.

“Giant Bats” Catch Flying Birds at Night

Only a few years ago, scientists discovered that a large European bat eats birds that it catches at night, snatching songbirds in flight. I found it interesting for two reasons: Few Europeans have ever encountered these bats and something other than an apparent pterosaur catches flying creatures at night (if we call songbirds “flying creatures”).

Researchers have now found evidence of a giant European bat that is plucking migrating birds out of the night sky. . . . This bat [the giant noctule bat: Nyctalus lasiopterus] is hairy and brown, with a wingspan slightly bigger than a blue jay’s. It is one of Europe’s largest bats and it has a huge mouth full of scary-looking teeth. It is one of the least-known bats in all of Europe — it spends its days hiding out at the tops of tall trees.

Popa-Lisseanu is an expert on giant noctules, and says it has long been known that these bats feed on flying insects. What wasn’t known until recently is that the giant noctule may be the only bat that eats birds on the wing.

Recommended Pterosaur Sites

The following are at least somewhat popular and at least above average in quality. Of course they are all friendly to the concept that some species of pterosaurs may still be living on this planet.


Is it really meaningless to the credibility of standard models whether or not all species of pterosaurs are extinct?

“Do nothing to refute mainstream geology” are the words of Glen Kuban. This phrase, however, is a clue that he is actually protecting a philosophy, for science, by its nature, is expected to bring about changes in opinion about what we used to think: changes. To consider “mainstream geology” to be a branch of science, it would need to be capable of change, even major change, should that become necessary.

Pterosaur Book

Living pterosaurs? How could they now be living in California, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Ohio, New York, and many other states? Did not pterosaurs become extinct millions of years ago? Cryptozoology is the study of reports of creatures (or apparent creatures) whose descriptions suggest something other than creatures classified by standard biology as extant.

Experience makes science possible. The sighting of what seems to be a living pterosaur does not force any professor to either ignore it or find a non-pterosaur explanation. When a number of eyewitnesses report the same kind of apparent pterosaur, reason demands that someone investigates why this is so.


Are some pterodactyls still living? That idea is controversial, to be sure, for where is the photograph to prove such a bold idea? But wait a moment. What does photography have to do with it? Where is photographic evidence that every kind of pterodactyl became extinct millions of years ago? The fossils say nothing about extinction. A fossil only shows that one particular organism once lived and died. Photographing and analyzing fossils has nothing to do with extinction, so what is this controversy about living pterodactyls?

Bat or Pterosaur

Many species of Flying Fox fruit bat live in the countries that surround Papua New Guinea: Australia and Indonesia, and those further west: Malaysia and India. But none of the big bats have the amazing pterosaur-like characteristics of the ropen: long head crest and Rhamphorhynchoid-like long tail. In addition, at least one species of ropen has a mouth “like a crocodile” mouth.

Giant Bat

“One of the flashes took off from a big tree overhanging the river and made a kind of flashing coma turn. Many flashes were parallel to the river. . . . there were many fish . . . Prime hunting grounds for fish-eating birds. Only these things fish at night with bioluminescence.”

Almost all of the researchers who have studied these accounts for years believe that these creatures are live pterosaurs. Most of the eyewitness accounts include a description of a long tail; some include a structure they have seen at the end of the tail: like a Rhamphorhynchoid tail flange.

Pterosaur Extinction (Indoctrination)

How has anyone now living come to the conclusion that all species of pterosaurs became extinct? From a scientific test? No. From a mathematical formula? No. From a set of statistics? No. From early childhood, Americans and citizens of other Western countries are indoctrinated into universal extinctions of certain general types of animals, dinosaurs and pterosaurs especially. It has become a deeply ingrained assumption of our cultures.