Living Pterosaurs in Louisiana

By cryptozoology author Jonathan D. Whitcomb

UPDATE: I feel completely confident that all the links on this post (about encounters people have had with apparent modern pterosaurs) have always been secure. With internet safety in mind, and to support safety online, I have updated links on this post to include “https” in those URL’s. You can feel completely at peace in traveling from “Living Pterosaurs in Louisiana” to other online pages.


For those new to this blog, I need to explain why I call myself a “living pterosaur expert,” a strange title. From 2003 to the present (late 2017), I have spent over 10,000 hours on this narrow branch of cryptozoology: investigating eyewitness reports of apparent non-extinct “pterodactyls.” I don’t know of any other person who has spent over 10,000 hours on this subject, so I suggest that I am a living-pterosaur expert if anyone is.

I have published four nonfiction cryptozoology books on these flying creatures, in nine total editions. My scientific paper on these animals was peer-reviewed and published in a journal of science (“Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific”). In addition, I have received reports from persons on every continent except Antarctica, and most of those were from the eyewitnesses themselves rather than from second-hand or third-hand accounts.


map with Lake Pontchartrain

Lake Pontchartrain, just north of New Orleans


Apparent Pterosaur in Louisiana

Last night, I got a phone call from a Ryan Causey, who had a sighting in 1994 in southern Louisiana. The flying creature was seen late at night as it flew over the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway bridge, which is just north of Metairie. At first, the man got the impression that it was a huge evil black bird, but he eventually came to recognize that he had witnessed a living pterosaur. Bryan found me through one or more of my blog posts or web pages.

The apparent long-tailed ropen flew only about 20 feet above the bridge, as Ryan was standing by his car, which had broken down. The flying creature was only about 200 feet away when the man saw the thing. He estimated the size (probably he was referring to wingspan) as at least 15-20 feet.

When he told me that it had a pointy head, I thought of many other reported sightings of pterosaurs: a horn-like or cone-like head crest is often reported. The overall appearance suggested something like shiny leather.

Email from Ryan Causey:

Jonathan, I see that you do research on this subject. I broke down in a van on the bridge to New Orleans in 1994 when I saw and a enormous creature flying not too far away from me but taking up more than half the size of the interstate. I was facing south and it flew from the west to the east over the bridge. I’d like to tell you little bit more about it I really couldn’t believe my eyes but all these years I know it to be true in my heart . . .

Other Pterosaur Sightings in Louisiana

Three other encounters have been reported to me from Louisiana, over the years: one in Slidell (October of 2013) and another in New Llano (western side of the state). I wrote about the encounter in New Llano in my nonfiction cryptozoology book Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition) on page 215. Another sighting was in Louisiana but the eyewitness said nothing about what part of the state. The person did mention “leathery wings” and a “spade/diamond” shape on the tail.


Popularity of this “Live Pterosaur” Blog

Since its first post was published online in 2009, this blog has received over 360,000 visits, most of which were from people in the following countries:

  • United States
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • China
  • Canada
  • Poland
  • Russian Federation
  • Israel
  • Ukraine
  • Germany
  • European Union
  • Netherlands
  • Australia
  • Sweden
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Republic of Korea
  • Norway
  • Brazil
  • Romania
  • Philippines
  • New Zealand



Pterosaur Sighting in Slidell, Louisiana

Reported directly to the living-pterosaur expert Jonathan Whitcomb: “On October 10, 2013, I received a phone call from a lady in Slidell, Louisiana. She had seen a flying creature just two hours earlier, a frightening experience, and had received no help from the police or the Wildlife-Fisheries.”


Eyewitness Reports of Living Pterosaurs

Some of the countries in which modern pterosaurs have been reported include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • United States of America
  • Kenya
  • Namibia
  • Sudan
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Cuba
  • England
  • Malasia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea


Flying Creature

Please be aware that a sighting in the day does not mean that what was observed must be a creature normally out in daylight. It may have been frightened out of sleep during the day. It may be a nocturnal creature that was out on that one day.


Books on living pterosaurs

By the modern pterosaur expert Jonathan David Whitcomb


Apparent pterosaurs in the USA

Sightings in California, Washington (state), Wisconsin, New York, Ohio, Kansas, Texas, and Florida


Books for LDS

These nonfiction cryptozoology books were not written specifically for an LDS audience, but the author is a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: These books can be understood and enjoyed by LDS readers.


Nocturnal “Pterodactyls”

The type with a long tail are called ropen, the name some of the villagers of Umboi, Papua New Guinea, call the nocturnal flying creature of their island.


Living pterosaur expert

Since his expedition in Papua New Guinea in 2004, Whitcomb has received many emails and occasional phone calls from ordinary persons who have seen extraordinary animals: apparent pterosaurs.


Sightings of Living Pterosaurs (previously unpublished)

By the modern-pterosaur expert Jonathan Whitcomb

Not all the sighting reports, that I’ve received over the past 14 years, are yet published online. Some can be found in cryptozoology books like Searching for Ropens and Finding God, but others are not yet available to the public. Let’s consider previously unpublished sighting reports of apparent living pterosaurs, starting with a daylight encounter in the United States, even though the encounter itself is not recent.

Boise area of Idaho, about 1975

[I’ve done no editing of this eyewitness report except to cut out a few sentences at the beginning.]

When it was standing up out in a field it appeared to be a man off in the distance. It had to have been the height of a man maybe around 6′ tall.

My dad and I was wondering what that man was doing out in the middle of a field while we was going down the road. It looked like he was all dressed in black and seemed out of place with no cattle or horses. It gave us conversation.

We figured he was looking at the ground about crops or something. Until we got closer when it spread wings and flew off the ground. You can only imagine how shocked and surprised we was when it took off and wasn’t a man at all.

Its wings had been closed hugged to the body similar to how a bat has theirs. It took it awhile to get up very high because at first we thought it might hit us it was flying so low to get itself up more.

It went right over us, I’m trying to remember the year, in either 1975 or 1976. It was in desert area in the country part of Boise, Idaho and it finally got high elevation and flew towards the mountains.

The one we saw had a short wide beak and short crest on the head. As big as it was we figured others surely saw it besides us. I’m almost wondering now how many times us and others might actually be seeing these things high above thinking it’s only an eagle or vulture and give it no second thought.

Sighting in Iraq in 2007

Hello there, my name is Charles. . . . (Northern California). I just wanted to share an account of myself witnessing a bioluminescent pterodactyl/saur. This event occurred when I was a soldier deployed overseas. The exact occurrence was at night in 2007 at the vicinity of Ar-Ramadi, Iraq.

Kansas (three eyewitnesses)

The following short email I got early in September of 2017:

A total of 3 witnesses, including myself, saw what appeared to be a pterodactyl. The sighting happened west of Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas during the early afternoon hours.



Living Pterosaurs Declaration

This includes two lists: persons who support living-pterosaur investigations (including expeditions and research) and locations of sightings worldwide.


Are all pterodactyls extinct?

It has an eyewitness pterosaur sighting report from North Carolina


Who believes in living pterosaurs?

“Since 1994, a number of Americans have explored remote jungles and interviewed many eyewitnesses of apparent living pterosaurs.”


New LDS Nonfiction Books

This is mostly about the cryptozoology book Searching for Ropens and Finding God.


Sightings of living pterosaurs in USA

Encounters in Florida, Georgia, Idaho, and in many other states


How can pterosaurs not be extinct?

Ropen – expeditions in Papua New Guinea


Living pterosaur in Kansas

“Pterosaur Sighting Reports, USA, 2016”


Answering an Extreme Skeptic on the “Civil War” Pterosaur Photo

By modern-pterosaur author and researcher Jonathan Whitcomb


Brief Introduction to Glen Kuban’s “Living Pterosaurs (‘Pterodactyls’)”

Mr. Kuban has written “Living Pterosaurs,” apparently, as a general attempt to refute anything that he finds that supports the possibility that a species of pterosaur is alive. Many of his paragraphs have little if any relationship to declarations in my own publications, which have been in an opposite direction: I emphasize evidences, or at least potential evidences, that some pterosaurs are still living. Yet many of his paragraphs are in response to my writings.

As best as I can calculate, his huge web page contains about 45,314 words (if we use 5.1 characters as an average size word) and close to a hundred images in the *September 26, 2017 version. Take it in context: Many blog posts and web pages contain less than 300 words, meaning his page is probably over a hundred times as long, in text size, as the average web page.

My name (“Whitcomb”—misspelled only once) is mentioned 425 times, yes four hundred twenty-five times, and I don’t recall many complementary comments about my work in cryptozoology. I suggest you’d be hard pressed to find any other web page that mentions one surname that many times, unless it’s a directory of names. The point is this: I feel it appropriate to respond to an extreme critic who mentions my name hundreds of times on his web page.

It seems that Kuban began publishing “Living Pterosaurs” online in 2004, with extensive additions beginning early in 2017. I’m not criticizing him for the quantity of his words; I’ve written far more than that, with more than a thousand blog posts and web pages that I’ve published since late 2003, and the average one may be more than 250 words. I am concerned with quality, however, and I suggest his “Living Pterosaurs” has many serious problems.

I now respond to a small portion of what Glen Kuban has written about the Ptp “Civil War” photo. His enormous online publication “Living Pterosaurs” has many paragraphs devoted to discrediting Ptp as evidence for a pterosaur living in the 19th century. Let’s now concentrate on two aspects of Ptp.


“Civil War” Photograph of Something Like a Pteranodon

When I refer to the Ptp photo, I sometimes use the word “Pteranodon.” I don’t mean to imply that the animal appearing in that photo is very similar in details to what is known from Pteranodon fossils. Like others who have seen this photo, I use “Pteranodon” in the general sense: It gives one the impression of that type of pterosaur.

verified genuine image of a modern pterosaur

The above photograph is now called “Ptp”

Even Kuban, in the *most-recent version of “Living Pterosaurs,” says, “. . . a giant Pteranodon-like pterosaur carcass . . .” and he uses that word at least 20 times in that area of his online publication. Then he lists many reasons why that apparent animal differs from a real Pteranodon. It seems to me, and probably many other readers, that he does that as if it discredits the reality of the animal in the photo.

He seems to miss an extremely important point: I do not declare that the animal in Ptp is a species very similar in details to what is known from Pteranodon fossils. Why should any extant pterosaur living in the 19th century be precisely, in many details of anatomy, like what is found, up to the present day, in fossils?

Yet Kuban devotes many long paragraphs to differences between the animal shown in Ptp and what is, apparently, known about fossils of Pteranodons. Other skeptics have made that same mistake, assuming that pointing out differences between the creature in the Ptp photograph and detailed anatomy in Pteranodon fossils proves the animal in the photo is a fake. I find that kind of thinking completely illogical. Remember that people who refer to the “Pteranodon photo” are using that word because the apparent pterosaur gives them the impression that it’s like a Pteranodon.

In other words, many of the long declarations in that part of “Living Pterosaurs” may be completely irrelevant, for neither Glen Kuban nor I declare or believe that an animal now living must resemble, in many details of anatomy, any related animal known from fossils. I’ve seen other problems in Kuban’s treatment of the “Civil War” photograph; Let’s look at one of them.


Digital Replication of One Wing to Make the Other?

Kuban says that Bruce Baryla (apparently an expert on old stamps) “concluded that a [sic] least one wing was produced by digital replication and distortion of the other wing. On the surface, for those who are only looking for an excuse to dismiss the whole photo as a fraud, this suggests the animal is not real, that no such animal was actually photographed. This deserves a closer look and an introduction to the work that had previously been done in examining Ptp before Kuban and Baryla were aware of such details in the photo.

Clifford Paiva, a missile defense physicist living in central California, had been aware of Ptp for years and had examined certain details that suggested the animal was real and was actually photographed. I had known about the photo for many years, but only in January of 2017 did I come to be convinced that it is very likely a valid photo with a genuine modern pterosaur. In that month, Paiva and I talked by phone and agreed on that high level of plausibility.

Please note the position on which Clifford Paiva and I stand on September 29, 2017. We do not insist that the animal shown in Ptp must be an image of a modern pterosaur; we do not hold a 100% conviction of that. Yet we feel that the plausibility is so great that we need to continue to proclaim that Ptp very likely has a genuine image of a real pterosaur that was living not very long before it was photographed.

wings of a modern pterosaur in a photo

One wing can be digitally inverted horizontally for comparisons

The white areas of the two wings, show similar small structures when one wing is inverted for comparison. That is hardly news to Paiva and me. In the first edition of my book Modern Pterosaurs, I pointed out the similarities and explained that a closer magnification revealed differences that indicated the similarities were most likely biological. I still consider that a possibility, yet Paiva and I have recently considered the possibility of some kind of digital manipulation. That does not at all mean that the entire “Pteranodon” image is fake, however, for there’s much more to it than that.

Let’s use a crude analogy. Look across the street at a parked car. Would you buy that car without walking across that street? I do not imply that either Glen Kuban or Bruce Baryla is trying to be deceptive here, but let’s continue.

You can see two tires on the driver’s side of the vehicle, so you image the same on the passenger side. You see a nice exterior, so you image the car, like most attractive automobiles, has an engine. Yet I doubt that you would buy it without looking more closely. In reality, this car has no tires on the passenger side and NO ENGINE.

No let’s deal with the reality of what Cliff Paiva and I believe now, on September 29, 2017, after we recently did additional examinations of the wings of the apparent pterosaur in Ptp. Our findings, after we independently tried to manipulate the wings digitally, to duplicate a supposed Photoshop hoax, included this: There never was any digital image manipulation and wing inversion (horizontally) that resulted in one entire wing being used to construct the other wing. In other words, no hoaxer using anything like Photoshop ever took one entire wing and inverted it to make the other entire wing. Paiva and I both tried it and found it to be practically impossible, unless we allowed the white areas of the inverted wing to become destroyed in those small detailed patterns.

Be aware that neither Kuban nor Baryla appeared to ever have attempted to do any digital wing inversion. If they had, and they were able to make anything like what is seen in Ptp, I believe that one of them would have mentioned it. I’ve looked at both their web sites and find no hint of such experiments, although “Living Pterosaurs” is so large, and so often revised, that I could have missed something. Nevertheless, after searching Kuban’s site for anything like the word “photoshop,” I see nothing referring to any experiment done by them.

Consider now what the physicist Clifford Paiva has found:

Clifford Paiva analyzed the wings in the Ptp pterosaur photo

The left and right wings are “morphologically discordant” (Clifford Paiva, Sep-2017)

Since Paiva did the examination that resulted in the above image, he looked further and found confirmations that one wing was not used in creating the other one. In addition, I had already done my own experiment and came to a similar conclusion.

So if two tires are missing from the car, what about the missing engine?


Evidence found by the scientist Clifford Paiva

No Photoshop hoax! Brush is in front of animal’s body but beak is in front of brush


Paiva has also found that the brush under the neck and body of the animal is IN FRONT of the animal in that area but the end of the beak is in front of the brush. This is definitely not from a simplistic Photoshop hoax.

Other problems could be mentioned in the reasoning of Glen Kuban; I’ll leave it at this, for now. Systematic and careful examinations of the “Pteranodon” photograph reveal that the image of the animal was most likely obtained by actual photography from a camera, many decades ago, long before Photoshop existed.



Civil War Pterosaur Photo

The scientist Clifford Paiva has uncovered additional evidence that the Civil War pterosaur photograph called “Ptp” is indeed as old as it appears at first glance: It was probably taken before about the year 1870.


Living pterosaur in a photo

. . . I started looking deeper, and guess what: The “Pteranodon photo” is actually far more credible as evidence for modern pterosaurs than we had assumed.


Book about modern pterosaurs

On January 14, 2017, Clifford Paiva and I spoke by phone and agreed that a photograph we had been studying had a genuine image of a real animal.


Living pterosaurs and skeptics

About the long online publication by Glen Kuban


Pteranodon photo

  1. Two scientists have shown that this is a real animal, with wings
  2. It looks like a Pteranodon, according to some opinions
  3. The Photoshop-hoax conjecture has been shot down, in different ways
  4. Criticisms of the appearances of the six soldiers have been answered
  5. Eyewitnesses, in the 20th and 21st centuries, have seen similar pterosaurs alive


Non-extinct living pterosaurs

The third edition of the nonfiction cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America


Books for LDS and for non-LDS readers

  • Searching for Ropens and Finding God
  • Live Pterosaurs in America
  • Modern Pterosaurs


Ropen Sighting in Pennsylvania

By living pterosaur expert Jonathan Whitcomb

This is a continuation of the examination of the sighting near Philadelphia, by Tom Dura:

Apparent Pterosaur in Pennsylvania

For the first emails about the sighting, see the above blog post. What follows are more recent emails about whether or not the flying creature was an actual ropen.

I acknowledge possibilities of misidentification in sighting reports that eyewitnesses send me. Not every account of an apparent pterosaur or a ropen needs to have been what it seems. The point that skeptics appear to miss, however is this: The overall worldwide phenomenon of such sighting reports fits perfectly well with the concept that not all species of pterosaurs are extinct; it does not fit well at all with the skeptical idea that all of them died long ago.

Some of the reports have a high overall credibility, meaning that they were very likely from actual encounters with extant pterosaurs. A significant number of sightings I consider to have been over 80% likely to have been reports that came from real observations of modern pterosaurs. The sighting by Tom Dura does not appear to be that certain, as you’ll see from the following email correspondence we had after the initial communications. I give him very high honesty-credibility rating, even though we both have some doubts about the type of flying creature he observed. It could have been a bird.

Nevertheless, I give it more than a 50% possibility that what was seen flying near Philadelphia in September of 2017 was indeed a living pterosaur. Judge for yourself.

Email correspondence in September of 2017:

[From Tom Dura] Hello, again, Sir.

My brother suggested that I may have seen a flying egret or heron. They have long legs which they extend behind them when they fly and I may have mistaken the legs for a long tail with the feet suggesting the vane.

I did research on this. I watched videos of flying herons and egrets and looked at numerous pictures. I have to say that it is possible that I saw one of these. A few things still leave me not totally convinced.

These birds in this area mostly are white with black legs. What I saw, when the sun allowed me to see color, was more of a golden color, including the tail. Any color variations in the birds only seem to be found in the southeastern states of America or South America. Also, I still remember the tail being longer than the legs in the images I studied and it seemed to be more flexible and curvy than the rather stiff legs of the egret or heron. I can admit, though, that I may have seen one of these birds that just happened to have especially long legs and, perhaps, curvy ones as well.

Finally, I still haven’t seen any of the birds imitate the extremely gliding and graceful motion of the creature I saw. The birds may glide momentarily but mostly flap their wings, whereas the “pterosaur” only moved its wings occasionally and very little.

At this point I can only say that I will remain vigilant and I will be better informed in regards to whatever I happen to see next, if anything. I will keep you posted.
Sincerely, Tom Dura

I replied:

Thank you, Tom.

The great majority of sightings reports that I have received, over many years, are of flying creatures with long tails. On occasion, an eyewitness will come to doubt the identity of what he or she saw. I understand the difficulty.

One of the characteristics sometimes described is the graceful flight of a modern pterosaur. It differs from the flights of birds and bats. I see no major problem with your conclusion that you had seen a pterosaur with a long tail. You said, “I still haven’t seen any of the birds imitate the extremely gliding and graceful motion of the creature I saw.” I believe your first conclusion was correct. Your brother, although he may seem to have a good point, did not see what you did, apparently, so he has no way to make that kind of comparison.

I have one suggestion: If you see it again, concentrate on the head. Modern long-tailed pterosaurs (which appear to be Rhamphorhynchoids) often are seen to [have] a head crest. Look carefully at the head next time. [Jonathan Whitcomb]


A meadow or field in Pennsylvania

A meadow in Pennsylvania



Living Pterosaurs

How could it be? Learn for yourself about these amazing encounters in the United States. Read the third edition of the nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America . . .


Book for LDS Readers

Similarities of belief are emphasized in Searching for Ropens and Finding God, with mutual faith in the supreme mission of Jesus Christ and with mutual conviction in the historic truthfulness of the Flood of Genesis . . .


Apparent pterosaur in Ohio

A living pterosaur in Ohio, not millions of years ago but in the twentieth century—that should be in the news. But a number of eyewitnesses have reported apparent live pterosaurs in Ohio, regardless of the apparent lack of newspaper headlines.


Live pterodactyl in Pennsylvania

This “bird” also seemed to have a long tail . . . As it was almost directly over us we all agreed we couldn’t see feathers anywhere and my student Carrie said “It looks like pterodactyl . . . doesn’t it?”


Ropen Sightings

The correct word for it is pterosaur rather than pterodactyl. Many eyewitnesses have seen it in North America, including many states in the USA, and these flying creatures appear to care nothing about Western teachings about extinction, flying wherever they please.
