Living Pterosaurs in Canada

By investigative journalist Jonathan Whitcomb

Video #41 on my Youtube channel is “Big Pterodactyls in Canada”, a music video almost five minutes long. The following excerpts, brief quotations from two eyewitnesses, contain more than is in the video:

Sighting #3

I was standing 10 feet away from one on a country road in Quebec, Canada near Brownsburg-Chatam. [The animal] pierced a garbage bag and it was trying to get into its contents . . . it got spooked and fled away . . . wing span was at least the size of the street if not more . . .

It had . . . teeth in its beak . . . a horn protruding towards the back of its head . . . [The sighting was] in the summer of 1987 …

satellite photo of the Chatham-Brownsburg area of Quebec, Canada

The area where sighting #3 occurred in Canada


Sighting #4 (in Quebec, Canada)

. . . at the dock, in my village . . . I believe it was spring . . . The year was 1998 or 99. . . . It was slow moving and nearly silent. I have NEVER forgotten it. They are really out there.

Here’s the video: pterosaur sightings in Canada




Pterosaur Sightings in Canada

Hello, I am writing from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. In 2010, I saw a pterosaur fly over the field, while [I was] looking out my window at dawn. It was huge.


Youtube Videos on Living Pterosaurs

As we approach the 15-year anniversary of my ropen expedition on Umboi Island, I’ll share my views on some Youtube videos and playlists: about these amazing flying creatures. You choose which ones to watch.


Apparent pterosaur in Ontario, Canada

I was phoning around dawn on a hill on Eglington Ave. across from the Ontario Science Centre when I saw a very smooth brown flying creature about the size of a great blue heron, with an appendage on its tail’s tip, fly northeast from the dense vegetation around the power lines where there was a cliff.


Top Ten Shocking Facts on Modern Pterosaurs

In Western cultures, we have three kinds of fear, including an occasional fear of one of these flying creatures, for some of them are large and may be dangerous; in some non-Western countries, the only fear an eyewitness is likely to have is that fear of the animal.

What are the other two kinds of fear? Western eyewitnesses often fear what other persons might think when told about the sighting . . .


Living Pterosaur in Ontario, Canada

By cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, author of nonfiction books on modern pterosaurs

I received the following eyewitness account by email in 2016, most of which is this:

I was phoning around dawn on a hill on Eglington Ave. across from the Ontario Science Centre when I saw a very smooth brown flying creature about the size of a great blue heron, with an appendage on its tail’s tip, fly northeast from the dense vegetation around the power lines where there was a cliff. I was stunned and shocked as it slowly flapped its wings travelling at the speed of a seagull.

It was such a strange experienced that I was in denial and dismissed it time and again, until after just a short while later, I saw another weird flyer near dusk, and it looked slightly different from the first, and like it held something in its mouth. I was just on Horton St. going to Terry Fox Pkwy., and as it flew southeast from the railway, I wished that I could capture those two incidents. . . .

That sighting of an apparent living pterosaur was probably in early of October of 2016. Why was that eyewitness “shocked” and why did he go into a state of denial that he had seen that flying creature? Here’s the most likely reason: He witnessed a ropen, a long-tailed living pterosaur. I’ve received emails and phone calls from eyewitnesses for more than thirteen years, with many of them having similar details and sometimes much more in their descriptions of the “pterodactyl” that was seen. I use the word “apparent” in many of my publications to be precise, for I cannot guarantee that every sighting reported to me was absolutely sure to have been from an encounter with a non-extinct pterosaur. What do I feel sure of? It’s that not all of these featherless flying creatures are extinct, that some species of pterosaurs are still living.


sky scrapers of Toronto

Downtown Toronto, Canada

Can living pterosaurs fly over major cities?

Some persons have assumed that modern pterosaurs, if they exist, must only be in extremely remote areas of the planet, perhaps in isolated tropical wildernesses. They assume that a non-extinct “pterodactyl” would never be seen in a large city, if such a flying creature existed. Let’s look at this logically.

Without any eyewitness, we could also assume that no large plane could fly over a large city, for it would be much too dangerous: What pilot would be foolish enough to risk crashing into a sky scraper? For that reason, no international airport could exist anywhere within 50-100 miles of a major downtown city. In reality, almost any person who has ever flown anywhere knows that planes of all sizes fly over cities all the time.

In the real world, pterosaurs will sometimes fly over neighborhoods in various cities, but we need to realize that these flying creatures are nocturnal, at least for the most part, and many large cities are in Western countries in which the idea of ancient dinosaur and pterosaur extinction is constantly drilled into us from early childhood until we enter the grave. That is part of why most major newspapers almost never publish any account of any sighting of a living pterosaur. Another reason for the lack of such newspaper articles is this: Almost nobody will dare call a newspaper office to report a huge pterodactyl that flew over the family’s backyard.



Danger from living pterosaurs in British Columbia

“Women attacked in British Columbia”


Living pterosaurs in Canada and in the USA

Where is the least likely place to see a modern living pterosaur? Inside a building. If you want to become an eyewitness to that kind of flying creature, go outside, or at least drive around. Just be prepared to stop safely before gazing too long at a distraction like a “pterodactyl.”


Prehistoric bird with enormous bat-like wings

“The Day Time Stood Still” in a remote area of Saskatchewan, Canada—This is one eyewitness account of the two ropens, or long-tailed pterosaurs, that he saw in about 1980 in a wilderness area. This online publication itself, written by the eyewitness, does not mention the possibility that the two pterosaurs were engaged in courtship, but Jonathan Whitcomb has suggested this possibility for the behavior of those two flying creatures.


Pterosaur sightings in Los Angeles

Pterosaur sighting . . . It was south of Los Feliz (at the I-5), in Los Angeles, just a mile and a half south of where another eyewitness observed three “dragons” flying over the same freeway, two months earlier. That stretch of highway runs very close to the Los Angeles River channel. I feel that neither of those factors is a coincidence.
