Ropen-Rhamphorhynchoid in Minnesota

By non-fiction cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb

I got an email this week from an eyewitness who had first contacted me in 2011. She confirmed the sighting that she and two others had near some cedar swamps in northern Minnesota.

Before quoting from the recent report, I give the following points from her earlier email:

  1. The skin was a reddish brown color.
  2. The animal had no feathers.
  3. It had a head crest (no further details on that).
  4. Many teeth could be seen in its mouth.
  5. The tail was long.
  6. The end of the tail had a structure: “spade shaped.”
  7. It may have had three toes.

That sounds to me like it was a ropen, a modern Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. I include in this post a sketch drawn by Patty Carson, whose sighting was in Cuba in 1965, because similar sightings in North America are probably at least related to that one, even if not all the animals are the same species.

The end of the first email ended with this: “I’ve learned not to tell anyone because they just laugh and think i’m crazy.”

Here’s the recent email from the eyewitness:

Three of us seen it. It was just turning light and it was gliding over a two lane road in front of the truck headed for a swampy area in Minnesota. We went on driving for a while until I asked the others what that was. My son said ‘I don’t know but if we tell anyone they’ll think we are crazy.’ I remember seeing it as if it were yesterday. I won’t go out into the woods anymore. The teeth were all sharp, yes that’s how close we were. It had a spade tail as long as its body and a crest on its head with wings like a bat. Its color was reddish brown.

In the earlier email, she made it clear that the “spade shaped thing” was at the end of the tail.


living pterosaur with many small teeth

Sketch drawn by a different eyewitness (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba)



Pterosaur sighting in southern Minnesota

I don’t want to sound crazy, and I know you will keep an open mind about it, but it still seems crazy after 20 years. . . . In 1995 I had a very close encounter with something similar to a Pterosaur in southern Minnesota.


Living-pterosaur book for children and teens

Non-fiction books by an LDS author, including The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur (published late in 2018)


Pterosaur seen by three eyewitnesses in northern Minnesota

It had . . . no feathers, bat like wings, a crest on it’s head, a mouth full of small teeth in the back and larger in the front, all very sharp . . . The tail was long, with a spade shaped thing at the end of it.


What is a Ropen?

I made many comments and recommended online resources (including this blog), and recommended my new book, Searching for Ropens and Finding God. But not everybody wants to read a 343-page book about the adventures of searching for giant living pterosaurs and interviewing countless eyewitnesses. Some persons are only a bit curious: What is a ropen?


‘Dinosaur’ Book for Children and Teens

The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur. Like most of my previous books, this one is about eyewitness reports of apparent living pterosaurs, but this new ‘flying-dinosaur’ book is for children and teenagers, especially those about ten to fourteen years old.


A modern Rhamphorhynchoid

It is a strange description, to be sure, that combination of a head crest and a Rhamphorhynchoid-like tail that has a structure at tail-end. It appears almost as strange as a description of a platypus, to someone who knows about mammals and ducks but who has been ignorant of that strange animal that now lives in Australia.