Grabbing Hold of an Unidentified Flying Creature, by Whatever Name

What is a UFC? That’s what I call an unidentified flying creature; yet I use that phrase because of a weakness in western cultural mentality, not because of any doubt that I may have about modern pterosaurs. Quoting from the fourth edition of my book, Searching for Ropens and Finding God, “Not everybody embraces a live pterodactyl.”

I realize that new readers who find this post will surely notice the title of this blog: Live Pterosaur. Yet I encourage nonfiction writers in Western countries to now use this phrase, unidentified flying creature, when they mention a sighting of a large winged animal that appears more like a “pterodactyl” than any known bird or bat. After eleven years of writing on this subject, I have found the Western cultural barrier, the universal-extinction dogma, extremely hard to penetrate. We need wall climbers now, in addition to the wall borers who have managed, over the years, to penetrate the darkness with only a few shafts of light.

Sightings of UFC’s in North America

Consider some sightings in the United States (quoting from my most recent book, SFRFG).

“I swear to God that I saw one where I live in Maine. It flew above my head and its wingspan was huge. . . . I watched it till it flew past the trees. The wings were pretty bony and in the air it looks smooth. . . . no feathers. The thing just glided, and I could see its feet.” [page 176]

“In the summer of 2009 I saw something that I didn’t quite understand, in the pinelands of New Jersey. . . . a giant batlike bird, dark brown, without feathers, something prehistoric with a long thin head, a long tail, kind of leathery dark brown skin. The body seemed to be the size of a good sized man. The wing span, maybe 12-15 feet across.” [page 178]

The lady in Georgia in 2008 also saw a hammer shape with the head of the creature she encountered. I see connections here: Two apparent ropens in Georgia in 2008 and one apparent ropen in Maryland in 2013, all of them appearing in daylight soon after a storm and all of them with a head that brings to mind a hammer. [page 181]

It reminds me of a reported encounter in Montana. The man told me, “Just as it was getting dark, but it was a bright full moon also, my bro-in-law pointed behind me and said ‘What the hell is that?’ and I turned around and saw the largest flying creature I’ve ever seen. It was heading straight towards us . . . It flew straight over us and off into the horizon. It must have had a 20 foot wingspan . . . [page 187]



Unidentified Flying Creature – UFC

Humans can go missing for many reasons . . . Yet among the strangest of cases of missing people, the circumstantial evidence has mounted up to this bizarre conclusion: The best explanation for some of these is that people are carried away into the air.

Honesty in Reports of Flying Creatures

Within the past few weeks, three web sites have caught my attention, each with a page accusing me of dishonesty. Two of them appear to be based on the other: the one first published online, a post by the biology professor P. Z. Myers; at least the other two writers appear to have been influenced by that professor before they wrote their own accusations against me. We’ll look at what dishonesty is and examine the credibility of those three proclamations about my guilt.

Flying Creature – Pterosaur Alive?

I’ve communicated with only a few paleontologists over the past eleven years of my investigation. In general, a fossil expert will fight against the possibility of a modern pterosaur until an eventual admission emerges: He will admit there is a small chance that a species may have survived into the present.

Jonathan Whitcomb — is he a Paleongologist?

I’ve received emails from eyewitnesses from four continents plus islands in the Pacific, emails about flying creatures that resemble “primitive” or “prehistoric” animals more than any bird or bat. On occasion I am able to talk with an eyewitness by phone or by face-to-face interview.


Ropen book, non-fiction, by WhitcombNonfiction paperback Searching for Ropens and Finding God, by Whitcomb
