“Dinosaur Era” Screech in Lakewood

I would not normally report an “earwitness” report of a “primitive bird” call—the sound, not appearance—but the circumstances in Lakewood, California, make this case of a screech noteworthy. Let’s begin this brief examination by reviewing the June 19, 2012, ropen sighting in Lakewood: a clearly visual experience.

The lady sent me an email. I get sighting reports all the time, descriptions of strange flying creatures that appear to be pterosaurs, reports from around the world, from as far away as Australia, Papua New Guinea (yes, computers are even getting into that country now), Europe, Canada, and other areas. Most reports come from various states of the USA, in spite of the extinction proclamations of skeptics. I get reports from Washington state to Florida, from Maine to California. But the email from this lady struck me. In clear daylight, she saw a medium-sized ropen just above her head, as it was perching on a phone line in her back yard. What struck me was the location: just 2.5 miles (as the ropen flies) from my house.

On June 19th, in the middle of the day, she was interrupted from her computer activity by a strange sound. The dog was barking wildly, but the strange sound did not seem to come from the dog, as the lady stood up and walked a few feet over to Rex. As she looked to where the dog was focused, she was astonished to see a strange creature that then flapped its wings and flew away to the east or east-by-southeast.

Half a mile east-by-southeast of the June 19th sighting location is the home of another lady who encountered something strange. On November 19, 2012, at about 7:00 a.m., this lady heard a strange screech coming from the direction of a palm tree on her property. She described the screech as somewhat different from that of a peacock and not exactly like that of a parrot. She used the words “dinosaur era” in her description of the sound.

It was not the first time she had heard that screech. She told me that the other times were all in daylight hours. I told her about the June 19th sighting and that it was good that she kept her cats indoors at night.

Why was I so attracted to this “earwitness” encounter? The June 19th sighting involved witnessing a ropen flying in the approximate direction to the area of Lakewood where the other lady heard the screech. That palm tree might just possibly be a nesting site.


medium-sized city storm channel in Southern California

Storm channel near border of Long Beach and Lakewood (California)


Ropen-Pterosaur in Southern California

As the creature unfurled its wings, the lady was surprised by the loud noise, like “heavy fabric.” The long-tailed creature flew off to a large tree in a neighbor’s yard, whereupon the lady ran into her house to tell her husband. The two of them then drove around the neighborhood, camera in hand, searching for what the lady later referred to as a “dragon pteradactal.”


Cover, back and front, of Live Pterosaurs in America - nonfiction book

Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition)—the unquestioned leading nonfiction cryptozoology book about sightings of these strange flying creatures in the United States of America—gives you reports from California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Rhode Island, Maine, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas, and other states. Don’t get left out in the dark regarding these astonishing encounters with what often seem to be large nocturnal “pterodactyls.” (But many critical sightings are in clear daylight.) Discover for yourself the truth about Western indoctrination regarding the “universal extinctions” of all pterosaurs.