“Weird” Appearance of Live Pterosaurs

Cryptozoology Book “Live Pterosaurs in America”

Before quoting a small part of a long blog post by an open-minded skeptic (who uses the word “weirdness”), I need to explain what my book (Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition) is and is not, or at least something of why it was written.

This nonfiction cryptozoology book delivers many important reports of encounters between Americans (in many states) and modern living pterosaurs. This shows that these flying creatures are not confined to remote jungles in Papua New Guinea or Africa. It also shows similarities between many of the American sightings and sightings in other parts of the world. Part of its purpose is to assure American eyewitnesses that they are not insane simply because they have seen an apparent living pterosaur.

Live Pterosaurs in America was not intended, however, to be a primary instrument in convincing skeptics that at least one species of pterosaurs still lives. That is probably better done by Searching for Ropens and by Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea, my other nonfictions on this subject.

large image of the back cover of the 3rd edition of Live Pterosaurs in Ameridca

Third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America by Jonathan David Whitcomb (published November 2, 2011, through Createspace)

Convincing Skeptics or not

From the blog post by “CJ” (book review of Live Pterosaurs in America), we read:

Whitcomb’s eyewitnesses don’t really convince me greatly, though they are at the heart of his case. 35 is really not very many, and given there are radio controlled Pterosaur models out there, some of the sightings do seem to be questionable. . . . He [Jonathan Whitcomb] is definitely sceptical of the testimony he receives, and shows critical thinking about testimony issues, and I must say is an intelligent bloke by the sound of his book. [From the blog post “A Whole New Level of Weirdness: Book Review of Live Pterosaurs In America (3rd Edition)” by Chris Jensen Romer (CJ), October 3, 2012]

This lengthy book review (a tiny fraction of which is quoted here) gives me ideas for the fourth edition. Thank you, Mr. Romer.

Clear Thinking From a British Writer

The blog writer, CJ, had not a milligram of believe before reading the third edition of my nonfiction cryptozoology book, but he now has just a tiny hope that those magnificent flying creatures may not all be extinct.