Pterosaurs in the Southeastern Coastal States

Sightings have been reported in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, in addition to surrounding states.

In 2010, I received a report from a lady in North Carolina:

I was driving home from dropping a friend off at school.  When I was almost home (passed the Food Lion on Commerce Rd, going towards Country Club Rd in Jacksonville, [North Carolina]), I saw something HUGE above me in the sky.  It looked like a pale greenish white and smooth-skinned. It didn’t appear to have any feathers, and it had the tail with the diamond shape on the end.  I couldn’t believe my eyes, and I knew no one else really would.  It was probably . . . 100 ft away.  I just looked up the Rhamphorhynchus and it was definitely similar to what I saw.  It was headed towards Highway 17 and coming from Jacksonville Mall area (flying made the route different since it could fly passed all the things we had to drive around).

South Carolina Pterosaur

It was huge, as big as a plane, and looked very similar to the sketch created by Susan Wooten on your website. . . . I saw a huge pterodactyl looking creature, flying very high in the sky. The strangest thing about the sighting was how slow the wings were flapping and how high it was flying. . . . I remember shouting “that was a pterodactyl!”, but everyone else [around me] that saw it, seemed to shrug it off in disbelief.

Pterosaurs in Georgia

. . . my 16 year old son and I both saw [something that] resembled a small pterodactyl. Very large wingspan, but the odd thing was it had no discernible feathers. My son saw it better than I as I was driving, albeit slowly. He said it was a leathery-looking skin. Pointed head, diamond shape at the end of the tail. It appeared to me that its legs were kind of pointed backward.

Sighting in Jupiter, Florida

Late in 2008, I received an email from an eyewitness in Florida:

“Maybe about six years ago I was sitting outside my house with a buddy of mine talking (it was about 2 or 3 in the morning) and all of a sudden something caught both of our attention, above our heads. It was a flying creature that flew over our heads towards my backyard (behind us over the roof of the house) it was a biege brownish color, pointed wing tips, no feathers pointed beak and what made me think pterasoar was that long pointed thing protruding from the back of its head . . .. I live in Florida so I’ve seen my share of cranes and what not, but this WAS NOT a bird. . . .”


Susan Wooten's drawing of the large pterosaur she saw in South Carolina

Susan Wooten’s amateur sketch of the “huge” pterosaur that she observed in South Carolina (it flew over a highway and into a wooded area)


California child care