Washington State Reports of Pterosaurs

A large portion of reports of apparent pterosaurs come from two states: California and Texas. Ohio and Washington State have their share, however, and a recent report involves a “monkey bird” near Tacoma, Washington.

Weird Bat-Like Creatures

The eyewitness called the strange flying creatures “monkey birds,” although he also mentioned a lack of feathers. He called it that, because of the strange call that he heard them make. The original report (or near-original) is found at Lights in the Texas Sky.

We have seen and heard a strange nocturnal, bat-like creature . . . huge, light grey, skin with no fur, feathers or scales. It silently swoops down at you with giant bat wings. . . . We keep our chickens and goats, small dogs and cats safely housed at night, however two of our cats who sneaked out one night onto the roof disappeared without a trace of fur, blood or any evidence of what exactly happened. They wouldn’t run away, and our outdoor watch dogs don’t allow any coyotes or ground traveling predators anywhere near us.

Pterosaurs in the Western United States

Peter Beach, a professor of biology, at night witnessed what he suspects was a bioluminescent flying predator over the Yakima River in the state of Washington. Much of his account is in the nonfiction cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America.

One of the flashes took off from a big tree overhanging the river and made a kind of flashing coma turn. Many flashes were parallel to the river. . . . there were many fish . . . Prime hunting grounds for fish-eating birds. Only these things fish at night with bioluminescence. At first I thought I was just seeing shooting stars, but they were all parallel to the river and close to the horizon. Next I noticed that when the cloud cover came in, I could still see the flashes. They were under the cloud cover.

Obviously meteors do not fly horizontally under cloud cover; in addition, Professor Beach mentions that one of the flying lights flew in a curve. He also noted one particular pair of light blasts that caused the local Night Hawk birds to scream in response. It suggests that the bioluminescent flying creatures (pterosaurs or not) were hunting Night Hawks.


Third edition of "Live Pterosaurs in America"For just $13.65, less than the cost of a couple eating a meal at a restaurant, travel across the United States, from Washington state to Florida, from California to Maine; and you get to stop at many other states including Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Kansas, etc. See what detailed eyewitness reports can do for your sense of awe at the miracle of a wonderful flying creature not yet classified by Western science.

Buy your own copy of Live Pterosaurs in America, now in its third edition.