Dinosaur Bird

Of course “dinosaur bird” is incorrect in a scientific sense, for a pterosaur is neither dinosaur nor bird. But an eyewitness like Patty Carson probably said something similar when she, as a child who had just seen a  live pterosaur in Cuba, reported her encounter to her family. In more recent years, a man in Richmond, Virginia, reported a “dinosaur bird” after he looked through a telescope; of course any critic can insinuate that the man had been drinking before he looked through that telescope, but critics probably said something similar about Galileo, after he looked through his telescope and then talked about four moons circling Jupiter.

A few months ago, the Houston Chronicle dismissed the possibility that any “dinosaur” is now flying in Texas, ending their newspaper article with, “I encourage Mr. Whitcomb to come to Marfa and spend six months there before he says anything more about dinosaurs.” The problem with that “encouragement” is simple: My press release that sparked the Houston Chronicle article said nothing about dinosaurs; it mentioned the possibility that Marfa Lights are caused by bioluminescent flying predators and that maybe those creatures are like the ropen of Papua New Guinea, which is believed by some to be a live pterosaur.

I don’t bemoan the popularity of “dinosaur bird” in place of “pterosaur,” for the correct word is hard to spell, as is “psychologist” (which is what some critics insinuate is needed for those of us who choose to promote the politically incorrect belief in live pterosaurs). I do regret that few newspapers publish anything that might seem to threaten official Western dogma about dinosaur and pterosaur extinction, what I call “universal extinctions.” I also regret that some skeptics resort to using the word “dinosaur” to ridicule those who promote the uncommon concept that some pterosaurs still live on this planet, however uncommon (and probably mostly nocturnal) those flying creatures may be.

Regardless of whether an eyewitness called a flying creature “dinosaur bird” or “pterodactyl” or “ropen,” the description the person gives of what was observed—that should determine how we interpret what was observed. Ridicule and official dogma should not be given first priority in evaluating sighting reports of live pterosaurs.



Radiometric Dating of Recent Dinosaur Bones – Censored

Why Censor by Deletion

Of course we can be grateful that a dissenting scientist, in modern Western societies, is not put under house arrest for the rest of his life, like Galileo. But the Paleochronology group is in fact a group, and if they had made some serious error in their presentation, why not just point out the problem at the top and bottom of the online report? Why make it appear like nobody had even given a lecture about carbon-14 dating of dinosaur fossils?


Dinosaur Birds, by any Other Name

Pterosaurs have been called “dinosaur birds” by some Americans, although “pterodactyl” is also common. From what we have learned from many fossils, those flying creatures used to be common. Not any more. But according to certain eyewitnesses, they are not extinct. According to certain cryptozoologists, they are alive but uncommon.