Pterodactyl Photo in a Youtube Video

By Jonathan Whitcomb

In this Youtube video on the “Protect Animal Life” channel, I explain the importance of the Ptp photo, yet I admitted that it is not completely proven that the image shows a modern pterosaur.

Near the beginning of the video, the image is compared with a photo hoax of several Civil War reenactors who helped create a fake photo for the Freakylinks TV show of two decades ago.

comparing two photos of possible modern pterodactyls

Two images which could easily be confused

The photo on the left leaves no room for doubt: Not only is the original fake pterodactyl possessed by the cryptozoologist Loren Coleman, but the original photograph (in color and before any digital processing was used to make it appear old) can be found online. It was created by Freakylinks for their TV show, although it was not used directly in any of their episodes, apparently, but only used on their online promotion for their show.

On the right, however, is the Ptp image, and this shows a number of signs that the original was a true old photo that includes a real modern pterosaur.



A Reply to an Attack Against the Pterosaur Photograph

According to the physicist who has examined this old photo in detail, Clifford Paiva, the apparent pterosaur has a head that suggests it was a Pteranodon. . . .


Pterodactyl sightings in North Carolina – Newspaper article

The News & Observer published an article, earlier this week, about a sighting by Cynthia Lee and about my ideas on non-extinct “pterodactyls,” including pterosaur sightings in Raleigh, North Carolina.


Youtube Videos on Pterodactyl Sightings in the United States

Flying dinosaurs in the capital city of North Carolina? ALIVE!? Yes, and many persons in Raleigh have seen these large flying creatures . . .


The Hobbit and Searching for Ropens

As we approach Hobbit Day, here’s a little fun with comparisons to Searching for Ropens and Finding God.


Pterodactyl sightings in press releases

Over the past two decades, many online press releases have been published about modern pterodactyls, and some of them are about encounters with large featherless flying creatures in the United States.


Modern pterosaur sightings in the United States

. . . Eleven sighting reports of ropens, a.k.a. flying dinosaurs, in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Conover, Wilmington, Guilford County, Kernersville, and Charlotte. [Youtube videos]


Press Releases on Flying Dinosaurs

We now take a brief look at four press releases about modern pterosaurs, what some people call “pterodactyls” and others call “flying dinosaurs”. They’re seen not only in Papua New Guinea but in the United States.
