Living Pterosaurs in the USA – update

By the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb

I just *updated the DERALP web page. It now features 273 sightings of apparent living pterosaurs reported in the United States:

Declaration on Reports of Living Pterosaurs

It is actually easier to count the American states without reported sightings than the ones with. The following are the 42 areas with reported encounters, 41 states plus Washington D. C. (*as of Nov 2, 2019):

Alabama (1)

Arizona (3)

Arkansas (11)

California (44)

Colorado (1)

Connecticut (2)

Florida (7)

Georgia (16)

Hawaii (12)

Idaho (1)

Illinois (7)

Indiana (3)

Iowa (1)

Kansas (7)

Kentucky (3)

Louisiana (4)

Maine (1)

Massachusetts (3)

Michigan (2)

Minnesota (3)

Mississippi (3)

Missouri (5)

Montana (2)

Nevada (1)

New Jersey (2)

New Mexico (3)

New York (6)

North Carolina (17)

Ohio (16)

Oklahoma (8)

Oregon (3)

Pennsylvania (9)

Rhode Island (1)

South Carolina (8)

Tennessee (2)

Texas (16)

Utah (11)

Virginia (11)

Washington D.C. (1)

Washington state (8)

West Virginia (3)

Wisconsin (5)


A New American State Added

Here’s the complete report from the state of Colorado:

Hello, I ran across your article.  Myself, my at the time 13 year old daughter and friend and 10 year old daughter all saw a pterosaur flyover on a summer evening in Colorado. At the time my 13 year old, now 21 ,daughter drew and wrote about the experience.

A year later when trying to relate the experience, I found Eskin Kuhn drawing and told my friend that’s what I saw. At the time I just thought  it was someone’s art on google,  not another sighting.

Meaning of the Data

Be aware that the vast majority of these 273 sighting reports involved direct contact between me (Jonathan Whitcomb) and the eyewitnesses. In addition, these are the more credible and important reports, not all of the ones that I have received from Americans in the USA.

The best eyewitness sightings in the United States probably total well over a hundred times this many. As far as I can approximate, the number of Americans now living, who have had a clear view of an actual modern pterosaur—they total about 150,000. And those DO NOT count poor views or misidentifications or hoaxes, etc.


ropen sketch over the Continental USA map



The back of a police office simulates the policeman who saw a living pterosaur

Police officer saw a pterosaur fly over a bridge
