By Nathaniel Coleman

I've read that owls, hawks, raccoons, and snakes will sometimes eat bats, but not often. If we believe only what biology textbooks tell us, hardly any animal regularly eats bats. Their main enemy is disease and humans.
But a few American cryptozoologists have uncovered some circumstantial evidence that there is a preditor that hunts bats. This predator is beginning to make a name for itself, too: "ropen." What the cryptozoologists at first thought was a creature of Papua New Guinea, they now believe lives also in the United States. What they at first thought ate mostly fish, shellfish, and carrion, they now believe may also eat Nighthawk birds and nocturnal bats.
The biology professor Peter Beach has observed bioluminescent flying creatures over the Yakima River in Washington State. A year later, on a second expedition, he observed a nocturnal flying creature too large to be
any American bat. It flew overhead, revealing a long neck and long neck, according to another cryptozoologist who was with Beach. Only a few seconds earlier, two bright flashes over the river caused many Nighthawks in the area to scream, many screams, that Beach interpreted to be a
response to the large nocturnal flying creature.
Although there is limited direct evidence, as of early 2009, that large
ropens or pterosaur-like creature eat bats, the circumstantial evidence
is significant and deserves further investigations.

What Eats Bats?
A Modern Pterosaur?

Do Ropens, Extant Pterosaurs, Eat Bats?
Marfa Lights of Texas: Possible Pterosaurs
Barn Owls, Pterosaurs, and Bats
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Fallacy of the Flying Fox Explanation For the Living Pterosaur Sightings