Bat or Pterosaur
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We are cryptozoologists who believe that some species of pterosaur still live in various places on earth (according to many eyewitnesses).
Our Philosophy
Many of the explorers who have searched for living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea are Biblical creationists (although Whitcomb is not YEC; he believes in an ancient universe but recent creation of earth life).
Our People
Jonathan David Whitcomb has explored on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea and has written two books about living pterosaurs. Guessman explored in P.N.G. twice; Woetzel, once. Paul Nation explored many times. 
Paul Nation's late 20th Century and early 21st Century searches on Umboi Island prepared the way for the two expeditions of 2004 (1st one by Whitcomb; 2nd one by Woetzel & Guessman)
Our Vision & Mission
The officlal discovery of living pterosaurs will encourage many people to rethink the old philosophy of Charles Darwin: the General Theory of Evolution (not to be confused with other concepts of limited evolution).