Live Pterosaur Media Center
Books on Pterosaurs
American author Jonathan Whitcomb, of Utah, has written three nonfiction  books on eyewitness reports of living pterosaurs: Searching for Ropens and  Finding God (four editions), Live Pterosaurs in America (three editions),  and Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea (digital ebook).   From Searching for Ropens and Finding God (native interviewed):   “. . . you went up to the mountain where there was a lake . . . big, uh, wara.” Gideon nodded many times. “All right. . . What lake was that?” He appeared surprised at my ignorance and said, “Pung.” . . . “So did you stay there for a few minutes or an hour or . . .” “A few minutes later, it came down.” . . .   “Did it have a tail?” “Yea.” “It had a tail. OK. How long was the tail?”   Gideon looked at the ground to his left for five seconds; from the way he  glanced back and forth at the ground a few times, I concluded that he was  imagining the tail and estimating its length. He looked back at me and said,  “Sefan meeta long.” [23 feet long] From Live Pterosaurs in America:     Late in the summer of 2008, I received an email from a lady who lives in  Winder, Georgia. . . . She had driven less than ten miles, just leaving an area of pasture, entering  an area of thick woods, around a mild downhill curve, with high banks and  brush on each side of the road, when an animal suddenly flew from the right,  just over the front of her car. Although alone, she yelled, “What the --- what ---  what is that?” She was stunned.   She told me what made her yell out loud: It was the tail; she looked up at a  “very long” tail that had a strange shape at the end. She later sent me some  sketches . . . one of them showing a thick almost-heart-shape at the end of the tail; it differs from the usual “diamond” shape suggested by some  eyewitnesses, but I believe this creature is related to the others. From Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea:   I continued email contact with the Perth couple, on occasion, and in 2010 the  lady forwarded me an email that she had received from another eyewitness: a  lady in Queensland. . . . Kathy was driving [at about 8:30] at night, with her  thirteen-year-old daughter, when the huge creature flew over the car. . . . [In Queensland, Australia] "The wings were so big. Black bat leather like."  "One wing covered the car . . . you could see, just the underneath."                                                         ### The opinions expressed are those of Jonathan David Whitcomb. Media professionals may use these paragraphs in whole or in part for news distribution.
Nonfiction cryptozoology books on modern living pterosaurs, written by Jonathan David Whitcomb
Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea
From the introduction in the book Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea: “I don't ask you to launch your imagination to fly with every story about a live ‘pterodactyl.’ When somebody sends me an email about a strange flying creature, I don't jump onto the first paragraph as if the creature had to have been a living pterosaur; neither do I dismiss the whole account when I first encounter something unexpected. Please do the same: Judge not too quickly, either to one side or the other.”