Live Pterosaur Media Center
Within minutes of his 1971 sighting of two large long-tailed creatures, Eskin Kuhn, a U.S. Marine, sketched what he had seen
Gitmo Pterosaur
A number of eyewitnesses in eastern Cuba have reported apparent living  pterosaurs, at least between 1960 and 1975. The best-known sighting is by  Eskin C. Kuhn: two large long-tailed “pterodactyls” seen at close range in  clear daylight in the summer of 1971.   Sighting by Eskin Kuhn   At Guantanamo Bay, the U. S. Marine was stationed to the 2nd Battalion,  8th Regiment (reinforced), H&S Company, 106mm recoilless rifle  platoon, in July of 1971. In Kuhn’s own words:   “We were engaged during the day in physical training, close order drill,  gun drill, cleaning and maintenance, classes and other sundry routine  common to service life, including a break for lunch with its attending rest  period or free time.   “It was during such a free time period, in the middle of the day, that I was  outside and witnessed the pterosaurs.  “Most of the platoon was in the new barracks hanging out. I was looking  in the direction of the ocean when I saw an incredible sight . . .   “I saw two pterosaurs (or pterodactyls, what's in a name?) flying together  at low altitude, perhaps 100 feet, very close in range from where I was  standing, so that I had a perfectly clear view of them.   “The rhythm of their large wings was very graceful, slow, and yet they  were flying and not merely gliding . . .  “The pterosaurs I saw had the short hind legs attached to the rearward  most part of the wing, and they had a long tail trailing behind with a tuft  of hair at the end.”   After Kuhn’s Sighting   Kuhn ran into the barracks to get the sergeant, but by the time they got  outside, the flying creatures were gone. Fortunately, Kuhn was a talented  artist; he soon sketched what he had seen.   Over the next four decades, he received various reactions to his report,  and some were negative, insinuating that it must have been a hoax. But on  February 26, 2010, the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb gave Kuhn a  surprise phone call, asking him questions that would illuminate credibility.  Whitcomb became convinced of Kuhn’s honesty and wrote a number of  blog posts about the 1971 sighting; the sketch was included.   In May, 2011, another eyewitness came forward: Patty Carson, an R.N. in  Southern California, found one of Whitcomb’s web pages about the  sighting and contacted the cryptozoologist. She had her own sighting at  Guantanamo Bay, six years earlier but the same kind of animal: very  similar in appearance to the sketch by Kuhn.   After months of emails and phone conversations, Whitcomb maintains  that Patty Carson has shown every reason to be believed, with no sign of  any hoax or misidentification.                                                           ###
Other Online Resources
Vindication for Kuhn  “. . . child, had observed a ‘pterodactyl,’ around 1965, at the Guantanamo Bay military station in Cuba. Her email indirectly confirmed the 1971 sighting, at Guantanamo, by Eskin Kuhn, directly corroborating the concept that live pterosaurs can be found in the Caribbean . . . at least in the mid- twentieth century.” Whitcomb interviews Kuhn “I gave Eskin Kuhn a surprise phone call this morning. His response (what he said and how he said it) confirmed that his account of the 1971 sighting . . . was no hoax . . . The head was disproportionately large, with a long crest at the back, long bill, long neck with a crook in it . . . The vertebrae of their backs was noticeable, mostly between the shoulders. . . . wingspan [was] roughly 10 feet . . .” 
The opinions expressed are those of Jonathan David Whitcomb. Media professionals may use these paragraphs in whole or in part for news distribution. All of the images on this page may also be used by the news media
Patty Carson encountered the Gitmo Pterosaur in 1965, give or take a year, when she was a child. Her father, the base commander at the time (at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base), and her mother did not believe that Patty had seen a “dinosaur.” She has never wavered in what she knows that she saw. The above sketch was drawn by Patty Carson, with minor help from Jonathan Whitcomb, according to her instructions regarding the teeth, etc.
Whitcomb expedition of 2004, on Umboi Is., Papua New Guinea, in search of the ropen
Next to the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Southern California, where a giant ropen- like animal flew over the road in 2007
The flying fox fruit bat has practically no tail and no head crest: clearly very different Whitcomb believes the “fruit bat” explanation comes mostly from the critics who had not taken the time to examine the reports in detail
The sketch was drawn by Eskin Kuhn within minutes of his sighting of the two creatures