Animal Discovery — Nonprofit

two cryptozoologists who saw pterodactyls

By Jonathan Whitcomb

I am the executive director of the nonprofit Animal Discovery, which emphasizes searching for certain cryptids that have been seen by eyewitnesses. Our motto is “We listen to you.”

From the page About the Ropen “Pterodactyl” on the official blog of this nonprofit organization:

Since the year 2003, I [Jonathan Whitcomb] have held a special interest in eyewitness reports of a flying creature that has become known as the ropen, what some persons have called a “pterodactyl” or a “flying dinosaur”. The word ropen comes from the Kovai language of Umboi Island in Papua New Guinea, although over the past fourteen years it has become known around the world as a word that refers to any modern flying creature that appears to an eyewitness to be a featherless long-tailed pterosaur . . .

Report your sighting of a pterodactyl

two cryptozoologists who saw pterodactyls

Milt Marcy (left) and Peter Beach, in S.E. Washington state

I’m delighted that these two cryptozoologists are on the board of directors for Animal Discovery. Both of them have been on an expedition on New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea, and not only were they searching for a modern living pterosaur but they found and videotaped such a flying creature.



What is a Ropen?

Reports of smaller ones, less than three meters in wingspan, in the Manus Island area of Papua New Guinea (second-hand accounts) might be juveniles of the same species as the larger ones on or around Umboi Island.


Pterodactyl Sightings

Scott Norman, a cryptozoologist from Southern California, decided to meet with some of his associates in central California, where people had reported living pterosaurs. He was skeptical, thinking that they had videotaped only a bird at night. When he spent a night watching the sky, however, he saw something like a Pteranodon . . .


Ropen Pterodactyl

Hodgkinson was hiking up into the interior, away from Finschhafen, with an army buddy, when the two soldiers encountered the strange flying creature. In a jungle clearing with moderately high grass, a clearing about a hundred feet in diameter, the two men saw something at the far side, something astonishing. From the scientific paper “Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific,” we read . . .


Two cryptozoologists see a modern pterosaur

I was delighted to discover, earlier this week, the Youtube video “PNG Expedition 2015 Documentary (Milt Marcy).” I talked with Milt Marcy and Peter Beach, by phone, soon after they returned to the USA from their expedition on New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea . . .


An eyewitness sees a ropen

From a comment on this Youtube video (ANOTHER eyewitness): “You don’t have to go to New Guinea to see one! I saw one back in 1968 in Lansing, Illinois and in broad daylight! People in the USA are seeing these things more and more . . .”


Ropen animal discovery

How do I know that a ropen with a thirty-foot wingspan, now hunting house cats and killing chickens in Nevada, is the same animal seen in Draper, Utah, a few years ago? The one in Utah was about that size, or a bit smaller, and was there hunting house cats and killing chickens.



More Youtube Videos on Pterodactyl Sightings

from the YT video "Pterodactyl Terror in Texas"

By Jonathan Whitcomb

Why report your pterodactyl sighting

I suggest you use the search engine Duck Duck Go: (It is much better than Google, in giving you sites that include positive references to the possibility that not all species of pterosaurs are extinct.)

On May 6, 2022, I uploaded to Youtube the video “New Pterodactyl Sighting Report From Colorado”:

Youtube thumbnail for a video on a pterodactyl in Colorado

The encounter was in northeast Colorado

The eyewitness said, “I was horseback riding when suddenly my horse stopped dead in her tracks then began to tremble violently . . . I saw it. This thing was huge and gliding rather than flying, and it was very close to the ground.”


Pterodactyl Terror in Texas

from the YT video "Pterodactyl Terror in Texas"

Three sightings of apparent modern pterosaurs, two of them terrifying, are covered here, although they are only a small fraction of all sightings from Texas that have been reported to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb over a period of many years.


Live Pterodactyl – 200+ Videos by 2022

So only three brief overviews of three videos are featured, each one about modern non-extinct pterodactyls, also called “flying dinosaurs”. What about the other 200 or so videos? Almost every one of them is mostly about those same flying creatures. Technically, the proper name is “pterosaur”.


Worldwide Ropens – Pterodactyls Almost Everywhere?

The large nocturnal long-tailed featherless flying creature called “ropen”—that apparent pterodactyl is observed worldwide, in many nations of the earth. But why is it reported to live in many areas of the planet? Why is it seen almost everywhere? This video answers that question, and it’s simple: Ropens can fly long distances, so after thousands of years they have found ways to live in many areas of the planet.



thumbnail: Youtube video on the channel "Protect Animal Life"

Missing Persons in USA – Attack from a Ropen?

Sara also reported to me that the huge flying creature had teeth in its beak, and she knew, even at only four years old, that it was not normal for a bird to have teeth.


Pterodactyl Sightings and Youtube videos

The following videos are some of the most popular on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life (not in any precise order). The lengths are in minutes and seconds with quotations taken from the description sections of the videos and from comments submitted by viewers.


Pterodactyl Sightings and Human Cultures

During my expedition on Umboi Island in 2004, I saw that native the eyewitnesses sometimes might find it awkward to talk about the ropen, but they apparently had no fear that their neighbors would think them crazy for talking about seeing a ropen. On the other hand, I have noticed, over the years, that persons in Western countries commonly fear that friends and family might think them crazy for saying they had seen a living pterodactyl.


Pterodactyl Sightings and Evolution

My associates and I, over the past two decades or so, have been criticized in various ways, one of them in a strawman argument something like this: “They try to disprove evolution by trying to convince people that pterodactyls are alive.” The main problem with that criticism is that it’s not usually quoting any of us but declaring what our intentions are, and critics oversimply reality.


Pterodactyl Sightings in New York

My wife . . . was backpacking around 1988 in the Adirondacks of upstate New York. She said she saw a large flying animal over a small lake. She estimated that it had a 20 foot wingspan. But the weirdest thing was that she said it didn’t look like a bird, but rather a featherless reptile like a pterodactyl!


Pterodactyl Sightings and Youtube Videos

On the live-stream chat of the video “Youtube Pterodactyl Videos Success” (Youtube channel Protect Animal Life), on May 21, 2021, the American eyewitness Nicole Stanziale told of her sighting. . . . When I was a senior in high school in 1993, my friend and I were driving down a dark road, in Fort Mill, S.C. . . . [South Carolina]


Pterodactyl Sighting in Delavan, Illinois

When I looked to the south I saw this outrageously large bird just fly straight up and start flying east. It scared the living daylights out of me because it was the size of our house and bigger than the apple trees and as soon as I saw it I knew what it was. It was a friggin Pterodactyl!


Pterodactyl Sightings in North America

Have you seen an apparent modern pterosaur, also known commonly as a “flying dinosaur”? Contact Whitcomb to report the encounter (this also applies if you just know somebody who has seen such a flying creature).


The Discovery of Modern Pterosaurs


By Jonathan Whitcomb

Why it’s important to report a pterodactyl sighting

I just read a comment under my recently-produced Youtube video “Three Pterodactyls and the Oregon Surfer” on my channel Protect Animal Life. I now refer to the writer of that comment as BW.

He said, at first, “Large flying animals CANNOT go unfound in the modern world”. What a strong declaration! Yet he immediately modifies it: “its [sic] exceedingly difficult if not impossible for large flying animals to avoid detection.” Even the second statement, however, has a serious flaw.

Look at the context: The short video he comments on reveals how one person, while surfing off the coast of Oregon, “found” that not all pterosaurs are extinct. The surfer saw three “large flying animals”. In other words, this was a case of the “detection” of an animal that BW assumes cannot exist. BW seems intent on convincing people that such flying creatures do not exist.

Title of a Youtube video, with surfer in background

One of many videos on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life

We could stop there, stating that BW was guilty of circular reasoning. It’s something like this: “The animals cannot exist because they have not been detected, so the surfer could not have seen them because they do not exist.” The point is that some persons DO SEE what other persons have not yet seen. And yet there is much more.

The case for the discovery of modern pterosaurs does not rest only on the word of one surfer in Oregon. For countless centuries, countless eyewitnesses of large flying creatures have proclaimed what they have seen. In other words, long before BW was born, people have seen things that BW has not yet seen with his own eyes.

Modern pterosaurs were known as dragons long ago. Perhaps none of the drawings and paintings of them were done by eyewitnesses. Artists surely relied on earlier artists, and even the oldest depictions may have been drawn or painted from secondhand reports at the very best. The old dragon images we now see may contain many errors yet may provide glimpses into some truth about those flying creatures. Many serious researchers might even come to discover for themselves that the general case is this: Those large flying creatures from earlier human history were real animals.

old drawing of a dragon with wings and two feet



Ropen Videos on Youtube

On the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life, you can find well over 200 videos on modern pterosaurs . . .


Youtube Again: “Were Dragons Real?”

. . . other countries where the flying creatures have been reported: Australia, the Philippines, Sudan, Namibia, etc.


The discovery of modern pterosaurs

“. . . the expedition led by Peter Beach and Milt Marcy in 2015 resulted in what may have been the first video footage of a living pterosaur being recorded in a remote jungle and carried back to the United States for distribution on Youtube and elsewhere.” [other than just flying lights]


An Individual Ropen is Identified

How do I know that a ropen with a thirty-foot wingspan, now hunting house cats and killing chickens in Nevada, is the same animal seen in Draper, Utah, a few years ago? . . .


Modern pterodactyls

I am a scientist, and I have discovered that the great majority of eyewitness sighting reports of extant pterosaurs are neither misidentifications nor hoaxes; part of my conclusion is based upon the data from eyewitness estimates of wingspan.


Dragon Almost Everywhere – Bat-Like Bird or a Ropen

Pterodactyl sightings in various parts of the world—this includes video footage of a ropen flying over Raleigh, North Carolina, in recent years.


Discovery of living pterodactyls

“For decades, reports of “pterodactyls” in New Guinea (the country later renamed Papua New Guinea) were dismissed with the explanation that people were just observing flying foxes.” We now know that idea is false, for that kind of bat is not nearly large enough and it does not have a long tail.


Pterodactyl Sightings and Youtube videos

Biologist Peter Beach on thumbnail for a Youtube video

By Jonathan Whitcomb, administrator of “Protect Animal Life”

The following videos are some of the most popular on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life (not in any precise order). The lengths are in minutes and seconds with quotations taken from the description sections of the videos and from comments submitted by viewers.

native of Papua New Guinea and black ropen or pterosaur

Pterodactyl Attack (length = 6:09)

Many years ago, a native fisherman in Papua New Guinea was attacked by what his people call a “kor”. . . the kor is said to have destroyed the man’s canoe. Then began a long battle between the fisherman and the apparent modern pterosaur (pterodactyl). [The end result was the death of both the flying creature and the man.]

There is an old legend in Frederick, Maryland, of a pterodactyl-like winged creature called the “Snallygaster”. The legend is handed down from early German settlers in the 1700’s in Frederick, who called it a “Schneller Geist”, which means “quick ghost” in German.


Biologist Peter Beach on thumbnail for a Youtube video

Pterodactyl Caught on Camera – Part 2 – Jungle flying creature

The biologist Peter Beach, of Portland, Oregon, videotaped a modern pterosaur on New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea, on March 25, 2015, in the presence of Milt Marcy, a businessman from the Portland, OR, area. The two American explorers had flown into the jungle interior by helicopter and had then set up a viewing stand where they had a great view of the surrounding jungle.

Both men later testified of the features and form of the flying creature, giving their opinion that it was a living pterosaur (commonly called, in some Western countries, ‘pterodactyl’ or ‘dinosaur bird’). Larger than any eagle . . .

From viewer “Monu Rajput

Very interesting. I believe it is very hard to get a clear video of this creature. Most people will be scared to even take out their cameras . . .

thumbnail for a Youtube video: black ropen with big wings

Pterodactyl Sightings – flying creatures around the world

Seventeen sighting reports are featured: modern pterosaurs around the world: Italy, Africa, Spain, England, Cuba, United States, and Papua New Guinea. They show how many similarities exist with these flying creatures that are seen by eyewitnesses across many areas of the planet.

From “nicole stanziale”

I live in South Carolina about 10 min away from North Carolina. When I was a senior in high school my friend and I were driving down a dark road, same area I am in now. All trees on each side of it. It was dark outside, don’t remember what time exactly. But a huge black bird was flying ahead and I will never forget this for the rest of my life…. it swooped down. I was so scared it looked like it was going to crash into the windshield, but it didn’t. . . . We stopped dead in our tracks. Along with the 2 cars ahead of us. We all got out of the car in amazement. We were all strangers and were like, did you just see what I saw?



Video on Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina

From August 27-28 [2020] . . . it skyrocketed [on Youtube]: Instead of 10-18 views a day, it soared into the hundreds, sometimes at least 50 views per hour.


Youtube Videos on Living-Pterosaurs

  • Giant Pterodactyl in California
  • Pterodactyls in the Tropics
  • Ropen – cryptid


Live Pterodactyls in California

. . . let’s look at a few facts about where sightings have been reported, in particular the five apparently most active states for these encounters in the USA, according to the online page “Declaration on Eyewitness Reports of Apparent Living Pterosaurs,” as of March 31, 2018 . . .


Youtube Videos on Living Pterosaurs

As of the beginning of July, 2019, the most popular of those eight on Youtube is the first one: “Giant Pterodactyl in California.”


An Individual Ropen is Identified and Named

. . . one clue pins this individual ropen to chicken murders in southern Salt Lake County : The predator does not eat chickens but stomps them into the ground. We call this pterodactyl the “Draper Ropen” (“DR”).


“Pterodactyl” Seen by a Soldier

Duane Hodgkinson is usually the man people have in mind when they think of a World War II veteran who saw, long ago, a “pterodactyl” in a jungle; his 1944 sighting near Finschhafen, New Guinea, will now be examined.


Credibility of Pterodactyl Sightings in North America

I was a forensic videographer in 2003, when I began investigating these eyewitness accounts of “prehistoric” flying creatures or “dragons.” I recognized, while viewing some amateur video footage, the credibility of natives who were interviewed on a tropical island in the southwest Pacific.
