Marfa Lights and Big Bend


What’s this? Marfa Lights and dragons in Big Bend, Texas? “Ghost lights” or “mystery lights” have been reported around the world, but where do dragons come in? This relates to the hypothesis that some legends of dragons come from non-extinct pterosaurs; the connection between Marfa Lights and pterosaurs has been a topic on blogs for months now.

How does all that relate to Big Bend National Park in Texas? Big Bend is a vaste wilderness area, more than adequate for hiding a group of nocturnal predators. Consider what one govenment site says about this national park:

Sometimes considered “three parks in one,” Big Bend includes mountain, desert, and river environments. An hour’s drive can take you from the banks of the Rio Grande to a mountain basin nearly a mile high. Here, you can explore one of the last remaining wild corners of the United States . . .

Let’s also consider some recent posts on the pterosaur connection to Marfa Lights (the town of Marfa is just north of Big Bend).

Marfa Lights and New Mexico Pterosaurs

This relates to the sighting of apparent pterosaurs in southern states, including Texas, Georgia, and New Mexico.

. . . Since reports of living pterosaurs come from north, east, and southeast (Cuba) of southwest Texas, we could use a view to the west of Texas; if sightings of live pterosaur come from almost everywhere surrounding Marfa, Texas, why could not pterosaurs fly at night in that isolated area?

Fourteen years ago, in [Socorro, New Mexico], me and a close friend . . . were hiking during the midday sun at [a] box canyon and something blocked the sun for a moment. We both looked up to see what did that and saw a large flying animal. . . . It had a 20-30 foot wingspan and was about the same length long. It had a long tail with [a] seeming spike at the end.

Are Marfa Lights Glowing Pterosaurs?

The original press release, “Unmasking a Flying Predator in Texas,” by Jonathan Whitcomb, gives an overview of the Marfa Lights, explaining why the local human residents have called them “dancing devils” and “ghosts.”

Getting back to Big Bend National Park, it includes more than 800,ooo acres and is visited by about a third of a million Americans each year. It has extreme contrasts in climate and habitat and a wonderful variety of plant and animal species. There are some caves, with some species of bats, but perhaps no reports yet of anything like dragons . . . not yet.